
  • 网络本地化;定位;地方化;当地化


a determination of the place where something is
he got a good fix on the target
Synonym: localization location locating fix
(physiology) the principle that specific functions have relatively circumscribed locations in some particular part or organ of the body
Synonym: localization of function localisation of function localization principle localisation principle localization


  1. A localisation project comprises several steps and involves many participants .


  2. Localisation and all aspects of globalization depend heavily on technology .


  3. A good TM system can help achieve significant cost reductions in a localisation project .


  4. In my previous article , I described the steps to follow in a localisation project


  5. The routes and types of transport and movements , according to direction , localisation and dimension .


  6. They made localisation their theme song .


  7. XLIFF is a format that 's used to exchange localisation data between participants in a translation project .


  8. A tool specifically designed for software localisation can be used to visually adjust the dialogue layout during translation .


  9. Further localisation of the cause of loss is achieved by a pressure loss test or a compression chamber endoscopy .


  10. The formal definition of TMX shown at the Localisation Industry Standards Association ( LISA ) Web site states


  11. Improved localisation and isolation of these heart muscle cells would likely lead to a reduction in the recurrence rate of AF.


  12. PlaNet 's median localisation error is 1131.7km .


  13. The XLIFF standard is supported by a large group of localisation service providers and localisation tools providers .


  14. After a localisation project is completed , all translations should be incorporated into the memories maintained by the company .


  15. Open standards like TMX give translators , translation agencies , and companies that need localisation a reasonable degree of independence from tool vendors .


  16. The pilot localisation Scheme continues to progress well and the Department now has11 qualified local operational helicopter and six local aeroplane captains .


  17. They point instead to inadequate plant expansions , low levels of localisation and other strategic errors that were made before Sino-Japanese relations hit their latest low point .


  18. Translators have a choice of tools that specialize in , among other things , general documentation , software localisation , technical manuals , or brochures .


  19. they conclude , arguing that this localisation trend in hiring accounts for 1.2 percentage points of the 1.5 percentage point decline in interstate mobility .


  20. A Walmart job advertisement for a " product localisation manager " for Japan and China lists responsibilities that cover preparing for the launch of an e-commerce business .


  21. The included source code demonstrates in a practical way how to implement an XLIFF-based solution for Java localisation projects , a solution that can be extended to support other formats .


  22. This localisation trend might seem counterintuitive as the internet is supposed to have created a hyperconnected world that makes it easier to connect workers with far-flung jobs .


  23. This introductory article has briefly presented the most relevant XML standards used in the localisation industry XLIFF , TMX , and TBX and given hints on their usage .


  24. Java applications that are ready for localisation store GUI text in resource bundles , plain text files that , like their C / C + + counterparts , make text extraction a simple task .


  25. They point out that even if a single regional advertising theme is agreed , the localisation and distribution of the work for national audiences are valuable skills only a big , experienced agency network can provide .


  26. Analysts attribute GM 's and VW 's success in China to aggressive localisation of production , research and development - a tactic that automakers at the luxury end of the spectrum are also adopting .


  27. This survey of the present demand and use of computer based translation software concentrates on systems designed for the production of translations of publishable quality , including developments in controlled language systems , translator workstations , and localisation ;


  28. According to the team 's findings , the " median human localisation error " - meaning the median distance from where a person guessed the location of a picture , to where it was actually taken - is 2320.75km .
