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  1. All procedures were done with a surgeon using theBausch & Lomb Stellaris phacoemulsification instrument .


  2. Study on Polysaccharide of Cladonia stellaris


  3. PAUL URSELL , an ophthalmic surgeon who works at St Helier hospital , just outside London , is one of the first people in Britain to use a new piece of equipment called the Stellaris ( pictured ) .


  4. The research of dominant population niche shows that the Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pinus massoniana of the community and the Eurya alata , Symplocos stellaris and Camellia oleifera of the shrub layer has the bigger niche breadth . They adapt to the environment well and fully use the resources .


  5. Because of the tourism disturbance , the niche breadth of Pinus massoniana of the tree layer has decreased by 55 % in the intermediate disturbance community . The dominant position of the Pinus massoniana , Symplocos stellaris and Camellia oleifera of shrub layer was replaced by Rhus chinensis .
