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  • n.斯塔图
  1. It doesn 't mean that I like my statu quo .


  2. Investigation and analysis of current statu of quality of life of patients in geriatric nursing sickroom


  3. The paper introduced the Statu Quo of the development of Conference and Exhibition Economy in china , then have an analysis and countermeasures study on the problem .


  4. Finally , analyzing the current statu and standard of application in Chinese enterprises , this theis indicates the trends of ERP 's application in china .


  5. The Statu of Cytomegalovirus Infcetion in Pulmonary Infective Disease


  6. Study on Time-Temperature Equivalency of High Polymer (ⅰ) The Present Statu of Time-Temperature Equivalency Theory and Proposal of Non-linear Relaxation Activation Energy Spectrum Theory


  7. This paper analyses the meaning , statu quo and be faced with problems about human resources investment in rural area of our country , puts forward the countermeasures to improve human resources investment .


  8. In this context , the HRM is increasing its statu and role day by day , the motivation is the most complex and difficult issues in the HRM .


  9. Goblet cell 's distribution and numerical changes were researched in epithelium of jejunal villi mucosa and intestinal gland in different months'SD rat , moreover the statu changes of villi and gland .


  10. Because the disasters are closely related to the health statu of the bridge , most of accidents could be avoided if the extent of damage and health status of the bridge can be assessed in time .


  11. The countryside culture is a very important statu and function in developing agricultural economy , enriching the peasants ' life , building a civilization Township wind , beautifying the village and realizing the peasants ' self-government .


  12. The double CPLD was made in step-motor control module and its special control model was defined to realize the data transformation between the unit and remote host , and its monitor of control statu and programming running model of manifold motor .


  13. The establishment of foreign relations between Australia and China has made an important and active effect on Australia 's efforts to totally improve and develop its relation with Asia to adjust the statu que of relations between Asian Pacific countries .


  14. Pending such a settlement ( the prospects of which are unhappily receding ) there can be no doubt of the right of America to preserve and protect the statu quoin Formosa .


  15. There was no significant differences between the expression of Mutant p53 protein and patient age , menopausal statu , hysteromyoma , tumor location , histological type , histological differentiation , lymph nodal metastases , Dukes ' stage .


  16. This design selects the closed-loop control method , receives the keyboard entry and mechanics sensor inputs under controls of the monolithic integrated circuit , actuates electrical machinery impetus hauling organization realization hauling , simultaneously outputs demonstration of the input of the parameter and the running statu .


  17. The 11 pm curfew , the obligation to wear a gown after sunset , the prohibition on unchaperoned visits by the other sex , were lightly borne by the great majority of those in statu pupillari . They felt newly free , to drink and smoke and spend the day as they chose .
