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  1. Data analysis was performed with STATA software package .


  2. Application of Multivariate Survival Analysis with Stata to Medicine


  3. Application of Chemical Grout in Grouting behind Shaft in Gravel Stata


  4. Application of Stata in Exploring Sources of Heterogeneity : Meta-Regression Analysis


  5. Drawing Funnel Plot and Testing for Funnel Plot Asymmetry in Stata


  6. An issue when exporting to Stata lead to incorrect value labels was resolved .


  7. Estimation of Denudation Thickness of Mesozoic Stata in the Ordos Basin and Its Geological Significance


  8. Coordination Stata Analysis of Aluminum by AlK_ α Spectra


  9. The tissue ingrowth in the implants was analysed by the image analysis system and statistical analysis was done with Stata Software .


  10. The construct of highway is very important to push forward economy development , society advanced and life quality improved of a stata or a region .


  11. Application Of Stata For Efficiently Complete Methods Of Meta Analysis For 2 × 2 Tables From Multi-Center Random Controlled Clinical Trials


  12. The first time I taught this class , it was a few years ago , was just before they built the Stata Center .


  13. Stata center in MIT , Cambridge , USA


  14. The data , collected from 111 surgical cases younger than 40 years and 53 cases older than 70 years , were compared and statistically analyzed using STATA software .


  15. Methods Results from registration questionaire and morbidity effect degree questionaire of the patients were processed statistically by STATA software batg on IBMPC .


  16. Results The optimum condition was to be in a stata of hot reflux with six times of 70 % ethanol , extracting for 1.5h and three times in all .


  17. We constructed a logistic multiple regression model , use the stata professional statistical analysis software to make descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis . ( 2 ) The impact of hedging by derivatives on corporate value .


  18. By the date based on the fieldwork , we adopt the research methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis and we made use of the EXCEL to do statistics analysis and the STATA to do econometrics analysis .


  19. The objects under investigation is 230 second level and above polyclinics in Hebei Province . Descriptive analysis is made , which includes the nursing stuffs , their education background , titles of technical post , benefits and general stata of investigated hospitals .


  20. Methods Data came from the epidemic reporting database of the disease monitoring center in a certain unit in the Army . The military disease monitoring software , Excel and Stata ( 11.0 ) software were used to analyze the incidence and distribution of tuberculosis in the unit .


  21. A comprehensive evaluation was carried out for the polymer drilling fluids and the methylamine polymer drilling fluid suitable for the shallow gas reservoir development was selected in view of the lithology of the stata drilled , the reservoir features , and the characteristics of shallow well drilling technology .
