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美 [ˈʃeɪdərz]英 [ˈʃeɪdəz]
  • 网络着色器;着色;明暗器
  1. Management and control of shaders based on real-time rendering


  2. This includes the ability to define and use vertex and fragment shaders using the GLSL language .


  3. New shaders have been introduced as well as a huge upgrade to how well the game runs in general .


  4. It is used to draw a very simple triangle with the help of a vertex and fragment shaders .


  5. The scene makes use of various CPU-intensive features such as reflection , ambient occlusion , area lights and procedural shaders .


  6. The spotlight and physical light shaders have a button to easily match the cone angle to the maya setting .


  7. Till now we have only talked about vertex shaders and lighting models . let 's take a look at how they actually work .


  8. Core Layer – XNA-based development for high-end graphics such as3D animation or rendering with custom pixel shaders .


  9. API Enhancements Game developers can now more easily write high-performance hardware shading plug-ins for Maya using the new API for hardware shaders .


  10. Improved terrain normal mapping , greater usage of pixel shaders , an advanced tile system using natural erosion data all mean the battles feel more natural and epic .


  11. As somebody who is mostly interested in game development , I 'm especially looking forward to the new3D effects , the shaders and the enhanced sound API .


  12. Each class offers further substantial benefits to your skill set including modelling , shaders , textures , expressions , animation , baking , lighting and rendering .


  13. But , forget the fancy words * these new shaders give you the power and control you need to create realistic skin and other shading effects to get the perfect end result .


  14. The C + + programming rendering platform system takes use of Maya API to export necessary attributes into shaders , so that these shaders can directly support Maya users ' setting .


  15. The programmable GPU permits developers to write vertex shaders and fragment shaders running on it , to replace the fixed function pipeline , and to employ custom rendering algorithms .


  16. The specific method is : pass the bone matrix in the form of texture data to the GPU vertex shaders and use the vertex shader to complete the deformation operators of skeletal animation mesh .


  17. Control shader simplifications : Effective controls of simplification processes are very important . How to reduce the rendering time and guarantee the quality of rendering results after simplify shaders is a main focus of this paper . 3 .


  18. As we are currently overhauling our tools , systems , shaders and textures to new lighting formulas , the artists are a bit worried ( as always ) about posting screenshots from the game .
