首页 / 词典 / good


美 [stændz]英 [stændz]
  • v.使站立;站立;站起来;立;使直立;直立;起立;竖放
  • n.立场;维护;观点;态度;捍卫;抵抗;保卫;货摊;售货亭
  • stand的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    VERB 站;立;站立
    When you are standing, your body is upright, your legs are straight, and your weight is supported by your feet.

    She was standing beside my bed staring down at me...


  • 2
    VERB 站起来;起立
    When someone who is sitting stands, they change their position so that they are upright and on their feet.

    Becker stood and shook hands with Ben.


  • 3
    VERB 站到一边/ 往后站
    If you stand aside or stand back, you move a short distance sideways or backwards, so that you are standing in a different place.

    I stood aside to let her pass me...


  • 4
    VERB (建筑物、家具等)位于
    If something such as a building or a piece of furniture stands somewhere, it is in that position, and is upright.

    The house stands alone on top of a small hill...


  • 5
    VERB (建筑物在周围其他建筑物倒塌或被毁后)依然存在,矗立
    You can say that a building is standing when it remains after other buildings around it have fallen down or been destroyed.

    The palace, which was damaged by bombs in World War II, still stood...


  • 6
    VERB 将…竖放于
    If you stand something somewhere, you put it there in an upright position.

    Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.


  • 7
    VERB (将食物或调拌物等)搁置不动
    If you leave food or a mixture of something to stand, you leave it without disturbing it for some time.

    The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.


  • 8
    N-COUNT 态度;立场
    If you take or make a stand, you do something or say something in order to make it clear what your attitude to a particular thing is.

    He felt the need to make a stand against racism in South Africa...


  • 9
    VERB 持…态度(或立场)
    If you ask someone where or how they stand on a particular issue, you are asking them what their attitude or view is.

    The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment...


  • 10
    VERB 在…眼里被如何看待
    If you do not know where you stand with someone, you do not know exactly what their attitude to you is.

    No-one knows where they stand with him; he is utterly unpredictable...


  • 11
    V-LINK 处于(某种状况或局面)
    You can use stand instead of 'be' when you are describing the present state or condition of something or someone.

    The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary...


  • 12
    VERB (决定、法规或提议)继续有效
    If a decision, law, or offer stands, it still exists and has not been changed or cancelled.

    Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands...


  • 13
    VERB 处于(某一水平)
    If something that can be measured stands at a particular level, it is at that level.

    The inflation rate now stands at 3.6 per cent...

    通货膨胀率目前为 3.6%。

  • 14
    VERB 身高为…;高度为…
    You can describe how tall or high someone or something is by saying that they stand a particular height.

    She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds...

    她身高 5 英尺 5 英寸,体重 120 磅。

  • 15
    VERB 经得起,承受得住(困难、考验)
    If something can stand a situation or a test, it is good enough or strong enough to experience it without being damaged, harmed, or shown to be inadequate.

    These are the first machines that can stand the wear and tear of continuously crushing glass...


  • 16
    VERB 忍受;容忍
    If you cannot stand something, you cannot bear it or tolerate it.

    I can't stand any more. I'm going to run away...


  • 17
    VERB 容忍;忍受
    If you cannot stand someone or something, you dislike them very strongly.

    I can't stand that man and his arrogance...


  • 18
    VERB 可能获得/ 可能失去
    If you stand to gain something, you are likely to gain it. If you stand to lose something, you are likely to lose it.

    The management group would stand to gain millions of dollars if the company were sold...


  • 19
    VERB 参加(选举);当候选人
    If you stand in an election, you are a candidate in it.

    He has not yet announced whether he will stand in the election...


  • 21
    VERB 请(某人吃饭、喝酒)
    If you stand someone a meal or a drink, you buy it for them.

    You can stand me a pint.


  • 22
    N-COUNT (设在户外或大型公共建筑物内的)小店,售货摊
    A stand is a small shop or stall, outdoors or in a large public building.

    He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office...


  • 23
    N-COUNT (运动场上的)观众台,看台
    A stand at a sports ground is a large structure where people sit or stand to watch what is happening.

    See also:In American English, stands is used with same meaning.

  • 24
    N-COUNT (供放置物品的)架,台
    A stand is an object or piece of furniture that is designed for supporting or holding a particular kind of thing.

    The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips.


  • 25
    N-COUNT (出租车、公共汽车的)停车候客处
    A stand is an area where taxis or buses can wait to pick up passengers.

    Luckily there was a taxi stand nearby.


  • 26
    N-SING (法庭上的)证人席
    In a law court, the stand is the place where a witness stands to answer questions.

    When the father took the stand today, he contradicted his son's testimony...


  • 27
    See also:standing

  • 28
    PHRASE 真实性取决于;成败在于
    If an idea, claim, or attempt stands or falls on something, its truth or success depends on that thing.

    Airlines should stand or fall on their ability to attract passengers.


  • 29
    PHRASE 最后的抵抗
    You can describe someone's final attempt to defend themselves before they are defeated as their last stand .

    There they made their tragic and heroic last stand against the Roman legions.


  • 30
    PHRASE 合乎情理;显然
    If you say it stands to reason that something is true or likely to happen, you mean that it is obvious.

    It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back...


  • 31
    PHRASE 妨碍;阻碍
    If you stand in the way of something or stand in a person's way, you prevent that thing from happening or prevent that person from doing something.

    The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal...


  • 32
    to stand a chance→ see:chance

  1. The position where a thing or person stands .


  2. Back with the people in the circle he stands , giving , feeling .


  3. Four points stand out as being more important than the rest .


  4. Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures .


  5. We must make a stand against further job losses .


  6. It was time to stand back and take stock of his career .


  7. Don 't just stand there , man ─ get a doctor !


  8. His heart won 't stand the strain much longer .


  9. She was kind enough to stand us a meal .


  10. They took a firm stand against drugs in the school .


  11. Everyone would stand up when the teacher entered the classroom .


  12. As things stand at present , he seems certain to win .


  13. I can 't stand much more of this .


  14. Where do you stand on private education ?


  15. I can 't stand people interrupting all the time .


  16. Stand back and give me some room .


  17. The ratio of applications to available places currently stands at 100:1 .


  18. I can 't stand people with no sense of humour .


  19. Stand still when I 'm talking to you !


  20. I can 't stand people who are cruel to animals .


  21. The new teacher won 't stand for any nonsense .


  22. The driver didn 't stand a chance of stopping in time .


  23. Stand still while I take your photo .


  24. A developer bought the land and divided it into stands .


  25. He mistakenly believed that his family would stand by him .


  26. Yes , you 're right ─ I stand corrected .


  27. Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes ?


  28. My assistant will stand in for me while I 'm away .


  29. Don 't stand outside shivering ─ come inside and get warm !


  30. I can 't stand the sight of blood .
