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  • 网络程序状态保存寄存器;程序状态寄存器;保存程序状态寄存器;备份程序状态寄存器;备份的程序状态寄存器
  1. When returning from the processor 's exception mode , the saved value of T in the SPSR register is used to restore the state .


  2. The results show that the SPSR method is reliable and has the advantage that it is fast and easy when it serve to determine the diffusion coefficients in catalyst pellets .


  3. In this paper , the mathematical model is introduced which can be used to determine the effective diffusion coefficients in solid catalyst pellets by single pellet string reactor ( SPSR ) .


  4. The sensitivity of elution curve to adsorption and transport coefficients , analyzed by Fourier analysis , was examined in a Single Pellet String Reactor ( SPSR ) with the n-pentane-Pt-Sn / Al2O3 system .
