sports days

美 [spɔːrts deɪz]英 [spɔːts deɪz]
  • n.(学校的)运动会
  • sports day的复数
sports dayssports days

sports days


  • 1
    N-VAR (英国学校的)运动会日
    In British schools, sports day is a day or an afternoon when pupils compete in athletics contests such as races and the high jump. Parents are often invited to come and watch the events.

  1. School sports days used to mean that parents take a morning or an afternoon off .


  2. The Bento is still used by workers as a packed lunch , by families on day trips , for school picnics and sports days etc.


  3. Other than Motor sports track days , Super Car Tours are also under discussion as more and more car owners would like to see various parts of China with their own cars .


  4. Now , we turn to some other sports stories of recent days .


  5. Sports stars can have days filled with events , parties and groupies - people who like famous people and follow them .


  6. You 're my number two sports journalist , Kelvin , which means ...... that on slow sports days , you do the pieces I want you to do . The station wants more fluff .
