
美 [ˈspekjuleɪt]英 [ˈspekjuleɪt]
  • v.推测;猜测;投机;推断;做投机买卖

过去式: speculated 现在分词: speculating 过去分词: speculated 第三人称单数: speculates

specul 看 + -ate 做,造成





to form an opinion about sth without knowing all the details or facts

We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation.


It is useless to speculate why he did it.


We can speculate that the stone circles were used in some sort of pagan ceremony.



to buy goods, property, shares, etc., hoping to make a profit when you sell them, but with the risk of losing money

He likes to speculate on the stock market.




  • 1
    VERB 推测;猜测;猜想
    If you speculate about something, you make guesses about its nature or identity, or about what might happen.

    Critics of the project speculate about how many hospitals could be built instead...


  • The President has gone out of his way to dismiss speculation over the future of the economy minister...


  • 3
    VERB 投机;做投机买卖
    If someone speculates financially, they buy property, stocks, or shares, in the hope of being able to sell them again at a higher price and make a profit.

    Big farmers are moving in, not in order to farm, but in order to speculate with rising land prices...



reflect deeply on a subject
I mulled over the events of the afternoon
philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years
The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate
Synonym: chew over think over meditate ponder excogitate contemplate muse reflect mull mull over ruminate
to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps
Synonym: theorize theorise conjecture hypothesize hypothesise hypothecate suppose
talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion
We were speculating whether the President had to resign after the scandal
invest at a risk
I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating
Synonym: job


  1. This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies .


  2. We can speculate that the stone circles were used in some sort of pagan ceremony .


  3. He likes to speculate on the stock market .


  4. It 's tempting to speculate about what might have happened .


  5. We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation .


  6. It is useless to speculate why he did it .


  7. Many speculated that the US would put the peace process on the back burner


  8. Critics of the project speculate about how many hospitals could be built instead


  9. There could be many reasons and he was not going to waste time speculating on them


  10. It 's always hard to speculate about the future


  11. The reader can speculate what will happen next .


  12. Government sources are now openly speculating about a possible successor for Dr Lawrence


  13. Big farmers are moving in , not in order to farm , but in order to speculate with rising land prices


  14. The doctors speculate that he died of a cerebral haemorrhage caused by a blow on the head


  15. It would be unfair to Debby 's family to speculate on the reasons for her suicide


  16. The banks made too many risky loans which now can 't be repaid , and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped .


  17. They are speculating on the imponderables of the future .


  18. ' We don 't know the answer to that . ' — ' Exactly — so shut up and stop speculating . '


  19. " We can only speculate as to how the Egyptians could have laid out these lines with such precision using only the tools they had , " Dash writes .


  20. The researchers speculate that craft activities promote the development of nerve pathways in the brain that help to maintain cognitive health .


  21. As one of the most habitats predators , killer whales may not fit the speculate of a cultured creature .


  22. The researchers speculate the findings may give left-handed people greater verbal skills .


  23. Feral cats in the region could be eating eggs and young iguanas , Gentile speculates .


  24. If a car company could not guarantee a safe driving experience and even speculates about a consumer 's motivation , its brand image could be tarnished in the end .


  25. I would rather not speculate at this time .


  26. Well , you know , I won 't speculate .


  27. Consideration about a Great Deal of Foreign Capital Speculating in Beijing Real Estate Market


  28. I dont think we really want to speculate about that .


  29. Speculating and hedging are two major economic activities in the futures market .


  30. Speculating on Postgraduate Moral Culture under the Condition of the Socialist Market Economy



celebrate v. 庆祝

celebr 荣誉 + -ate 做,造成

create vt. 创造

cre 生长 + -ate 做,造成

decorate v. 装饰

decor 装饰,装潢 + -ate 做,造成

hesitate v. 犹豫

hes 粘着 + -it- + -ate 做,造成

investigate v. 侦查(某事)

in- 在内,进入,使 + vestig- 脚印,踪迹 + -ate 做,造成

accelerate v. 加快

ac- 朝,向,去 + celer- 快,速 + -ate 做,造成

calculate vt. 计算

calcul- 计算 + -ate 做,造成

evaluate vt. 估计

e- 向外,离开 + valu(e) 价值,重视 + -ate 做,造成

indicate v. 表明

in- 在内,进入,使 + dic 说 + -ate 做,造成

irrigate vt. 灌溉

ir- 在内,进入 + rig- 雨 + -ate 做,造成

liberate vt. 解放

liber n.契据登记簿 + -ate 做,造成

negotiate v. 谈判

neg- 无,不 + oti- 休闲 + -ate 做,造成

participate vi. 参加

parti- 部分,分开 + cip 拿,抓住,获取 + -ate 做,造成

tolerate vt. 容许,允许(不同意或不喜欢的事物)

toler 容忍 + -ate 做,造成

violate vt. 违反

viol- 暴力,力量 + -ate 做,造成

anticipate vt. 预料

anti- 早于,预先 + cip 拿,抓住,获取 + -ate 做,造成

appreciate v. 欣赏

ap- 朝,向 + preci 价格,价值 + -ate 做,造成

approximate v. 近似

ap- 朝,向 + proxim 靠近,接近 + -ate 做,造成

associate v. 联合

as- 朝,向,加强 + soci 同伴,结交,联合 + -ate 做,造成

circulate v. 循环

circ- 弯曲 + -ul- + -ate 做,造成

concentrate v. 集中(注意力)

con- 共同,一起 + centr 中心 + -ate 做,造成

cooperate vi. 合作

co- 共同,一起 + oper- 工作 + -ate 做,造成

cultivate vt. 培养

cult- 耕种 + -iv- + -ate 做,造成

demonstrate v. 证明

de- 完全,加强 + monstr 展示,示范 + -ate 做,造成

dictate v. 命令

dict 说,断言 + -ate 做,造成

educate vt. (在学校)教育

e- 向外,离开 + duc 引导 + -ate 做,造成

eliminate vt. 排除

e- 向外,离开 + limin 门槛,限制 + -ate 做,造成

estimate v. 估计

estim 价值 + -ate 做,造成

evaporate v. 蒸发

e- 向外,离开 + vapor- 蒸汽 + -ate 做,造成

generate vt. 生成

gener 出生 + -ate 做,造成

illustrate vt. 说明

il- 否定 + lustr 明亮的 + -ate 做,造成

imitate vt. 仿效

imit- 相像 + -ate 做,造成

isolate v. (使)隔离

isol- 岛屿 + -ate 做,造成

moderate adj. 适度的

mod 方法,模式 + -er- + -ate 做,造成

motivate vt. 激励

motiv(e) 动机 + -ate 做,造成

radiate v. 辐射

radi 光线,辐射 + -ate 做,造成

regulate v. 规定

reg 规则 + -ul- + -ate 做,造成

rotate v. (使)旋转,(使)转动

rot 旋转 + -ate 做,造成

stimulate vt. 促进

stimul- 刺,刺激 + -ate 做,造成

consolidate v. (使)巩固

con- 共同,一起 + solid adj.固体的 + -ate 做,造成

fabricate vt. 制作

fabric n.布 + -ate 做,造成

dedicate vt. 奉献

de- 离开,向下 + dic 说 + -ate 做,造成

fascinate v. 入迷

fascin- 使着迷 + -ate 做,造成

commemorate vt. (用…)纪念

com- 共同,一起 + memor 记忆 + -ate 做,造成

emigrate vi. 移居国外

e- 向外,离开 + migr- 移动,迁移 + -ate 做,造成

aggravate vt. 加重

ag- 加强 + grav 重,加重 + -ate 做,造成

originate v. 起源

origin n.起源 + -ate 做,造成

alternate n. 候补

alter v.改变性质 + -n- + -ate 做,造成

compensate v. 补偿

com- 共同,一起 + pens 称量,支付 + -ate 做,造成

activate vt. 激活

active 活跃的 + -ate 做,造成

migrate v. (随季节变化)迁徙

migr- 移动,迁移 + -ate 做,造成

assimilate v. (使)同化

as- 朝,向,加强 + simil- 类似,一样 + -ate 做,造成

differentiate v. 区分

different 不同的 + -i- + -ate 做,造成

humiliate vt. 羞辱

hum 土,地 + -ate 做,造成

formulate vt. 制定

formul(a) 公式 + -ate 做,造成

illuminate vt. 照明

il- 使...,进入 + lumin 光 + -ate 做,造成

simulate vt. (用计算机或模型等)模拟

stimul- 刺,刺激 + -ate 做,造成

deviate vi. 背离

de- 离开,向下 + vi 道路 + -ate 做,造成

frustrate vt. 使懊丧

frustr- 欺骗,失望 + -ate 做,造成

fluctuate vi. (大小、数量、质量等)波动

fluctu 波浪,流动 + -ate 做,造成

contaminate vt. 污染,弄脏

contamin- 污染 + -ate 做,造成

segregate v. (使)隔食

se- 分开 + greg 群体 + -ate 做,造成

collaborate vi. 合作

col- 共同,一起 + labor n.劳动 + -ate 做,造成

incorporate vt. 合并

in- 在内,进入,使 + corpor 身体,团体 + -ate 做,造成

deteriorate vi. 变坏

deterior 更坏 + -ate 做,造成

dominate v. 支配

domin 统治,专制 + -ate 做,造成

integrate v. 整合

integr 完整 + -ate 做,造成

designate vt. 命名

design n.(建筑、服装等的)设计方案 + -ate 做,造成

manipulate vt. 操纵

mani 手 + pul 一捆 + -ate 做,造成

agitate v. 摇动(液体等)

ag- 加强 + -it- + -ate 做,造成

advocate vt. 拥护

ad- 加强 + voc 叫喊,声音 + -ate 做,造成

renovate vt. 修复

re- 重新 + nov- 新的 + -ate 做,造成

saturate vt. 使湿透

satur- 足够,饱足 + -ate 做,造成

nominate v. 提名

nomin 名称 + -ate 做,造成

insulate vt. 使隔热

insul 岛屿 + -ate 做,造成

terminate v. 终止

termin 界限 + -ate 做,造成

discriminate v. 区分,辨别

dis- 分开,分离 + crimin 分开 + -ate 做,造成

elevate vt. 提升

e- 向外,离开 + lev 举,升 + -ate 做,造成

facilitate vt. 促进

facil(e) 容易的 + -it- + -ate 做,造成

donate vt. 捐赠

don 给予 + -ate 做,造成

subordinate n. 下属

sub- 次一等 + ordin 命令 + -ate 做,造成

assassinate vt. 暗杀

assassin n.暗杀者 + -ate 做,造成

contemplate v. 沉思

con- 共同,一起 + templ 庙 + -ate 做,造成

irritate vt. 刺激(皮肤或身体部位)

ir- 在内,进入 + rit 擦,摩擦 + -ate 做,造成

  • 词语搭配



analysts speculate


speculate about a game
