source of tension

美 [sɔːrs əv ˈtenʃn]英 [sɔːs ɒv ˈtenʃn]
  • 紧张关系(或焦虑张力)的根源
source of tensionsource of tension
  1. But the relationship is also often a source of tension .


  2. The border dispute has been a continuing source of tension .


  3. The Himalayan land border between India and China remains a constant source of tension .


  4. Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples .


  5. it 's well known that this can be a source of tension or awkwardness .


  6. The third source of tension is our shared interest in the rights and responsibilities of nations on nuclear weapons .


  7. Punishment doled out by US regulators to foreign banks has become a regular source of tension with other regulators .


  8. Although these have started to shrink since the 2008 financial crisis , they remain a constant source of tension with trade partners .


  9. Pets generate a huge amount of chores , which can be a source of tension and resentment .


  10. The second major source of tension that we need to discuss is the situation between Israelis , Palestinians and the Arab world .


  11. Trade has often been a source of tension between the world 's largest and third largest economies despite recent pledges to work together towards global economic recovery .


  12. The camp has become a source of tension among Calais residents and in France 's relations with Britain , with London pushing for tighter border control .


  13. The American State Department says the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico caused by the British energy giant BP is not a source of tension between the two countries .


  14. Andrea Goldstein , a Sino-Africa researcher with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said low-cost Chinese exports to Africa could develop into a key source of tension over time .


  15. But they have given no indication of scaling back U.S. drone strikes , which remain highly controversial in Pakistan and a continuing source of tension between the two governments .


  16. The two tiny islands , which are inhabited only by a handful of Korean police officers and an occasional fisherman , are a longstanding source of tension between the two countries .


  17. The shootings could yet become a source of tension between the Thai and Cambodian governments , whose relations have improved immeasurably since Yingluck Shinawatra became Thai prime minister in August .


  18. If present buying is a source of tension , talk about other ways you can show each other affection . The receiver needs to acknowledge the amount of thought that has gone into the present - like the old saying goes , it 's the thought that counts .


  19. It would be useful if you could nail down the source of this tension .


  20. When and how to deliver code to the development environment can be the source of much tension .


  21. He said the primary source of persistent tension over the Diaoyu Islands lies with the Japanese government .


  22. The scarcity of water has become a source of global tension ecologically , economically and politically .


  23. " We agreed to cooperate on missile defense , which turns a source of past tension into a source of potential cooperation against a shared threat ," he said .


  24. Sometimes I think that those of us who are now in our thirties were born into the last generation to carry the burden of " home ," to find in family life the source of all tension and drama .
