song about love

song about lovesong about love
  1. A song about love or expressing love for another person .


  2. She sang an emotional song about love and death .


  3. Another song about love and time is sung by one of the most famous groups of our time , the Rolling Stones . In this song , time is an ally .


  4. Host : But when you factor geoscientist Richard B.Alley into the equation , a song about love becomes a learning tool for budding geology students at Penn State University .


  5. Her latest release is a song about hopeless love .


  6. Um , this is a song about new love and how people find each other , even though it might annoy someone 's sister .


  7. Known for writing her heart - and her real-life romances - into her songs , the singer remained mum when asked if she 'd write a happy or sad song about her love life with current flame , Conor Kennedy .
