solid majority

美 [ˈsɑːlɪd məˈdʒɔːrəti]英 [ˈsɒlɪd məˈdʒɒrəti]
  • 绝大多数
solid majoritysolid majority
  1. They look at America and see a president elected by a solid majority , coming into office riding a wave of optimism , controlling both the House and the Senate .


  2. For the past six years , through good times and bad , Mr Bush has been able to rely on two things : a solid Republican majority in the house and equally solid backing from the party faithful round the country .


  3. Due to the character of reaction of solid state , Majority of solid state reactions have higher efficiency and better selectivity than the reactions in solvent .


  4. Irregular Solid is the solid which form ' concavity and protruding change can 't be described by math formula , For lacking property maths model to the Irregular solid , majority programme and 3-D graphics software don 't offer the function of Irregular Solid directly generating .
