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  • 网络业务管理接入点;木村拓哉;香取慎吾;稲垣吾郎;中居正広
  1. If she thinks her father , who wears shorts and shades and takes pictures of SMAP for a living , is uncool , how would she feel if he sported a “ bar code ” hairstyle and pushed papers at the local ward2 office ?


  2. But there are signs that SMAP is already being replaced by its successors .


  3. A wall was covered with current promotional posters for multiple boy bands . There was just one for SMAP , from 2012 .


  4. One of Asia 's biggest pop groups , SMAP , is to break up at the end of the year after a 25-year career .


  5. SMAP 's most famous saccharine single , " The Only Flower in the World , " is regularly taught in Japan 's schools .


  6. Members of SMAP , which stands for " Sports Music Assemble People , " have also appeared on cookery shows and Japanese coverage of the Rio Olympics .


  7. SMAP seemed on the verge of disbanding in January as rumors swirled of infighting .


  8. But SMAP is not just a wildly popular band whose albums have sold more than 35 million copies , making it one of the most successful musical acts in Japanese history .


  9. According to Japanese news reports , SMAP decided to call it quits after four of its members tried to leave the Johnny agency , which is said to control their appearances on television and in movies , as well as merchandising rights to their images .


  10. On a visit this week to a store run by Johnny & Associates in the Harajuku neighborhood of Tokyo , I watched fans buy professional photo cards of their favorite singers , but there were no SMAP cards on sale .


  11. Given SMAP 's popularity in Asia , Japan 's minister of economy , trade and industry , Hiroshige Seko , said he was concerned that the breakup might undermine the country 's " Cool Japan " campaign , aimed at exporting Japanese culture to foreign countries .


  12. Much of the drama and commentary surrounding SMAP 's breakup has been tied to suspicions among fans and industry analysts of skulduggery by the talent agency that manages the group , Johnny & Associates , which has dominated the Japanese boy-band scene for nearly four decades .
