
A product with similar business uses to YouTube is SlideShare .
Weil cites this SlideShare as a resource for those wanting to know more about how Twitter analyzes social graphs
People who view your slideshow on SlideShare can navigate from slide to slide , play the slideshow , view it in full screen , and download it in its original form .
Candidates applying before the July 14 deadline have the choice of submitting a SlideShare presentation ( think PowerPoint on steroids with a social media component ) in place of two admissions essays .
Needless to say , SlideShare is an excellent way of spreading interesting reports , keynotes , and presentations , even with users who do not have the same office software installed on their computer .
So , at the urging of a student focus group , Tippie introduced the SlideShare option , which taps into social media and provides admissions officials with a more thorough sense of prospective students .