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  1. Alvaro Siza Vieira is clearly considered one of today 's greatest living architects .


  2. Siza 's work is characterized by just that sense of architecture as a means of listening to the real , in that it hides at least as much as it shows .


  3. The main products are : Siza , split slabs .


  4. The paper selected three spaces of Alvaro Siza to discuss the influence and meaning of site environment to Siza s architecture design .


  5. I particularly enjoyed the boa Nova tea house , designed by Portugese architect Alvaro Siza , and the fantastic seafood .


  6. This article is to study the strategy of Alvaro Siza in the design which considered to the environment conducts , and try to discuss the relationship between the internal space and the landscape .


  7. Notable examples include SomruedeeChaimongkol , chief executive of Thailand 's Banpu , one of Asia 's largestenergy companies , and Siza Mzimela , a former South African Airways chiefexecutive who now owns her own airline .


  8. For a recap and a nightcap , survey the glowing city from the top-floor terrace bar of Hotel do Chiado , which was designed in part by the Pritzker Prize-winning Portuguese architect Siza Vieira .
