side streets

美 [saɪd strits]英 [saɪd striːts]
  • n.小街;小路
  • side street的复数
side streetsside streets

side streets


  • 1
    N-COUNT (安静的)小路,小街
    A side street is a quiet, often narrow street which leads off a busier street.

  1. Will you be forced to travel congested side streets or is there a more free-flowing route to the office ?


  2. The stolen car was found dumped in one of the side streets .


  3. They went through the side streets with no cars behind them .


  4. They suggested that he take his chance on getting there through side streets .


  5. They have blocked off all side streets giving access to the main street .


  6. That have him weaving in and out of side streets .


  7. Will he rather be taking a walk on the side streets of the sky ?


  8. He drove slowly down the side streets for freeway driving had become too challenging .


  9. Traffic will be diverted through the side streets while the main road is resurfaced .


  10. They would lurk in the dark side streets and mug any passer-by .


  11. In our traditional urban residential districts , commerce was based on the shops in side streets , which were formed historically .


  12. Here , and in the side streets running from it , the most important newspapers and news agencies have their offices .


  13. For by this time the stir of the festa was felt even in the narrowest side streets .


  14. In Yangon you 'll find busy mohinga stands along downtown Maha Bandoola Road , and along small side streets .


  15. Instincts : Trust your instincts and don 't venture through side streets , even if it seems like a convenient shortcut .


  16. Luckily , open source JavaScript libraries offer an easy way to get rid of side streets and pop-ups once and for all .


  17. Like it or not , the inhabitants of Wall Street , Main Street and the various Side Streets of America were all in the same boat .


  18. The problem with these " side streets " is that they take users out of the purchase path and give them more chances to abandon the process .


  19. In the square 's side streets , youths fought the police to the backdrop of unending ambulance sirens .


  20. They may be easier to maintain than navigational side streets , but they 're just as likely to take your users out of the process you want them to complete .


  21. Emerging from the parliament about 2 ∶ 30 p. m. , he sped along boulevards and inched through narrow side streets .


  22. For food , you can enjoy roti prata and teh Tarik in the side streets .


  23. The lively pedestrian zone flanked by colonial buildings with their teeming side streets are not at all reminiscent of religious contemplation .


  24. This process of digging up the details and learning how things work leads down many side streets and to many dead ends , but is fundamental ( I think ) to understanding something new .


  25. They frequent the Bowery and those down-at-the-heels East Side streets where poor clothes and shrunken features are not singled out as curious .


  26. Using these libraries , you streamlined the user flow of Customize Me Now by replacing popups , off-site links , and navigational side streets with modal dialogs , tooltips , and lightboxes .


  27. Workmen put up the gate-posts that were to shut off the side streets when the bulls were released from the corrals and came running through the streets in the morning on their way to the ring .


  28. Afterwards about 1,000 of the pro-Russia militants marched along a main street , banging sticks and shields as bystanders fled down side streets , in a scene reminiscent of the film Gangs of New York .


  29. On the outskirts of town were the remount depots where horses and mules milled about in large corrals , and along side streets were the hospitals . The horse man came up with a group of people who were making the pilgrimage on foot .


  30. There were many houses along the side of the streets .
