
  • n.羽毛球
  • v.互相授受(shuttlecock 的三单形式)
  • shuttlecock的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 羽毛球
    A shuttlecock is the small object that you hit over the net in a game of badminton. It is rounded at one end and has real or artificial feathers fixed in the other end.

  1. Kicking a shuttlecocks . It was made a formal competitive event by the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission in 1983 .


  2. This time when we saw people selling shuttlecocks , I asked Mr.S " Hey , can you kick the shuttlecock ?"


  3. I think first , it is easy to master and the shuttlecocks can be carried anywhere ; second , the game is a whole-body-exercise .


  4. At first we coached the children following Chinese methods , which are very good for building up strength and speed , he says as children thrash at shuttlecocks behind him .


  5. The sports activities include those activities that need less amount of exercise , less investment and less facilities such as walking , jogging , rope skipping , playing badminton and kicking shuttlecocks .


  6. The ministry was planning to buy10,000 badminton rackets and tens of thousands of shuttlecocks to ensure that soldiers were properly armed , Izvestiya said .
