- n.收帐员;收银员;收账员;老夫;跑街先生杀老夫

Present staff card together with the parking ticket at Shroff Office or Customer Care Centers .
Morgan Stanley said yesterday : Mr Shroff deliberately and knowingly violated our policy .
Mr shroff was sacked for gross misconduct in December 2007 .
Mr Shroff said investors tended to take cover in passive strategies amid market volatility , but the move was usually temporary .
Mr shroff said research by Greenwich associates showed about 70 per cent of Asian institutions were moving away from domestic investments and diversifying abroad .
Before leaving the University Campus , parking fees should be paid at either of the two shroff booths next to the University main gate and the Chung Chi gate .
The Financial Services Authority said yesterday that Mr shroff , a senior trader at the bank , " disadvantaged " clients on seven occasions between June and October 2007 by partially front running their deals .
Asian institutions ' dissatisfaction with the amount of personal attention they receive from their asset managers is a clear reflection of the coverage models used by investment management firms in the region , said Abhi Shroff , Greenwich Associates consultant .