
  1. You need to compute the hash of the incoming parameter by using SHA1 .


  2. This is the RFC algorithm sha1 official website , the standard generic .


  3. You can choose from three authentication schemes : crc , md5 , or sha1 .


  4. This is because the SHA1 is designed so that it is infeasible to find different contents that produce the same hash .


  5. Finally , if you want the best authentication without regard for CPU resources , use sha1 , as it 's the hardest to crack .


  6. It uses a default signature algorithm , SHA1 with DSA , to create a self-signed certificate valid for180 days .


  7. The main section entry , x-Digest-Manifest-Main-Attributes ( where x is a digest algorithm , such as SHA1 ), contains the digest value for the main attributes of the manifest .


  8. In addition , it is advised to choose SHA1 for generation of self-signed certificates , certificate signing requests , and as the hashing component of the channel ciphersuite .


  9. This property contains the ASCII-encoded SHA1 hash of a mailbox URI ; this encoding is a one-way mapping and cannot be trivially reverse-engineered to give the original e-mail address .


  10. We 're going to be putting together some documentation and howtos for all this , but I already blogged a bit about sha1 and handles used to precompile Ruby applications for Android .


  11. And if you want to just precompile the lot , you can combine sha1 and handles flags to jrubyc with either jarred up class files or codeCache to precompile the lot .


  12. This awareness runs from the pedestrian ( such as not showing plaintext in a password field on a login page ) to dizzying heights of cryptographic methods ( such as DES , MD5 , SHA1 , Blowfish ) .
