set ahead

美 [set əˈhed]英 [set əˈhed]
  • 提前;拨快
set aheadset ahead


move forward
we have to advance clocks and watches when we travel eastward
Synonym: advance


  1. I have to remember when clocks will be set ahead and back .


  2. The kilometre reading must be set ahead after replacement of the instrument cluster .


  3. All my life I have set ahead of is a series of goals and then tried to reach them , one at a time .


  4. In some time zones , clocks are set ahead and back during certain times of the year to adjust for the differences in the amount of daylight .


  5. If you can identify a working set ahead of time and it can fit in the available memory , then the simplest strategy is often to preload the working set .


  6. The detachment set off ahead of schedule .


  7. In many cases , common typical contracts are set up ahead of time to address the needs of most typical customers .


  8. Wireless Ad Hoc networks are composed of mobile stations which communicate with each other through wireless links without any infrastructures set up ahead .


  9. The warm weather has set the crops ahead by a month .


  10. Please set the clock ahead .


  11. We were able to set the meeting ahead because the report was prepared earlier than we expected .


  12. Careful attention has set the flower ahead by a week .


  13. We are going to set the meeting ahead because of the serious situation .


  14. Please set the clock ahead one hour .


  15. Set the clock ahead , please .


  16. He set his departure ahead because there is something urgent waiting for him .


  17. And while the port deal is now set to go ahead , it may be on changed terms .


  18. Retirement age should be adjusted as life expectancy trends become apparent rather than being set 50 years ahead of time .


  19. Seeing as the release date has been set so far ahead , production won 't kick off for some time yet .


  20. Despite the ongoing campaign , the road is set to go ahead , with construction kicking off in2012 .


  21. As mentioned before , apps such as Find My iPhone and Android Device Manager will allow you to do this , provided you set them up ahead of time .


  22. After months of legal wrangling and a small improvement in the offering price , that deal looked set to go ahead at 17.50 , until Mr. Bonomi upended the tables in June 2013 .


  23. At the onset of 2012 , many start-up executives are sticking their copy of lean start-up on the shelf , leaning back and bemoaning the fact that they have a new set of challenges ahead of them .


  24. Passenger car sales in the US will remain higher than China 's , but in terms of total light vehicles including mini commercial vehicles used partly as passenger cars in China the Asian country looks set to pull ahead of the US for the first time this year .


  25. The course he had set himself stretched straight ahead .


  26. In this sense , you actually gained from your loss because you know even better about yourself and you set a new goal ahead to fully explore your potential in the future .


  27. Let us join hands , seize the momentum of our comprehensive strategic partnership , keep to the set course , forge ahead in a pioneering spirit and create a better future for China-Mexico relations !


  28. Felix , the reigning world champion over one lap , did not have her finest race but was closing on Miller down the home straight and looked set to just edge ahead as the final centimetres of track ran out .
