
美 [ˈsɪriəs ˈmaɪndɪd]英 [ˈsɪəriəs ˈmaɪndɪd]
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acting with or showing thought and good sense
a sensible young man
Synonym: thoughtful


  1. No politician will win the votes of serious-minded people if all he does is to throw mud at his opponent .


  2. Monotone Liveliness and Serious-minded Absurdness & Analysis for Busy Reason and Characters about " Aulic Drama about Qing Dynasty " on TV in China Recently


  3. By serious-minded thinking and study , we hope to promote the construction and development of Chinese optional courses system in the abstract .


  4. Boys are being more independent when deal with learning difficulties , while girls are more serious-minded when finish learning tasks .


  5. The Scots have a reputation for being inventive , hardworking , serious-minded and cautious with money .


  6. But he has always attracted serious-minded partisans eager to mount a highbrow defense of the lowbrow .


  7. You are serious-minded and not inclined to make light of things even in little ways , and in your younger years you had more mature interests than others your age .


  8. The following three chapters analyze how Scarlett completes her transformation from a sixteen-year-old girl deeply influenced by traditional Southern Womanhood to a serious-minded and far-sighted woman .


  9. Sometimes dismissed as Palin Lite , Mrs Bachmann is in fact a former tax lawyer , devout evangelical and a serious-minded politician capable of flashes of stirring oratory .


  10. China has consistently adopted a serious-minded attitude towards the management of spending on defence . a complete administrative and regulatory system tightly geared to the principles of strict control , strict management and strict supervision has been established and fine tuned .


  11. Serious-minded and cautious , the Goat will be a fan of fact . Books that are educational and dramatic are preferable , and if they can help you hone your career goals and skills , all the better .


  12. Incidentally , in addition , I have attempted to provide a foundation on which a perplexed but serious-minded parent can himself base an answer to several puzzling questions which all children ask - most especially to that most difficult of them all : By what process of becoming did I myself finally appear in this world ?
