sense of unity

美 [sens əv ˈjuːnəti]英 [sens ɒv ˈjuːnəti]
  • 团结意识
sense of unitysense of unity
  1. The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits .


  2. Every society has to have its own values to provide a common purpose and a sense of unity .


  3. There was a feeling that one could remain an individual while still experiencing a sense of unity .


  4. A sense of unity , immense community our friendship will prevail .


  5. What I 'm really hoping is that they 'll fail and feel a sense of unity from their mutual rebellion .


  6. Modular furniture with embedded dressing , both practical and save space , and can promote a sense of unity throughout the bedroom ;


  7. Each room evokes a different look and feel , however , they still maintain the same classic design philosophy creating a sense of unity throughout .


  8. It is that sense of unity that matters to Fatima Aujali , whose father is the Libyan Ambassador to the United States .


  9. Such kind of life can help build up among the students a sense of unity and cooperation , which is a very important factor for success in the competitive world of today .


  10. They won themselves certain constitutional rights , overcame the damaging psychological effects of generations of oppression , and acquired a sense of unity and dignity .


  11. It is this sense of unity , this ability to plan for a shared future even at a moment where our nation was torn apart , that I reflect on today .


  12. And tonight , let us think back to the sense of unity that prevailed on9 / 11 . I know that it has , at times , frayed .


  13. The main results present as follows : ( 1 ) Spirituality , rooted in the personality of the individual , is an experiential attitude and sense of unity related to life itself , society and the transcendent existence .


  14. They are increasingly fighting for a share of the same markets – often each other ' s. What was once a sense of unity in a common south-south cause has been replaced by increasingly uneasy bilateral tensions .


  15. Obama , who spoke for 10 minutes , recalled a sense of unity after the Sept. 11 attacks and said that the United States went to war to protect our citizens , our friends , and our allies .


  16. Using indoor design plan of Fuzhou customs office block as an instance , the role of subject and constitution design techniques in the conceiving of indoor modelling design was explored to create modernized official working space with a sense of unity and novelty .


  17. Kwanzaa was founded in 1966 by Dr. Karenga , a college professor and African-American leader , who believed that a special holiday could help African-Americans meet their goals of building strong families , learning about their history , and creating a sense of unity .


  18. And tonight , let us think back to the sense of unity that prevailed on 9 / 11 . I know that it has , at times , frayed . Yet today 's achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people .


  19. Lacan proclaims that in the " Stage of Mirror ", the infant of six to eighteen month would recognize herself in the mirror , and self-identifies the mirror with a sense of unity . This is the occurrence of identification , which is regarded as the imaginative self-identification .


  20. In the same manner , I believe , the cultured Greek felt himself absorbed into the satyr chorus , and in the next development of Greek tragedy state and society , in fact all that separated man from man , gave way before an overwhelming sense of unity which led back into the heart of nature .


  21. But they also evoked fierce patriotism , a sense of national unity and common purpose .


  22. Metaphysical Sense of the Unity of Opposites Doctrine & Reading Aristotle s Metaphysics ;


  23. In colleagues'eyes , I 'm an energetic , positive , kind-hearted and have the sense of team unity .


  24. On the other hand , playing down ethnic differences and creating a false sense of racial unity is impractical and worse still , risky .


  25. The simple answer is that if there is a sense of Asian unity , then a Single Asian Currency can either facilitate that Asian unity or become a common means towards that end .


  26. The second part , a brief analysis of minority ethnic harmony , strengthening the idea , laid the ideological basis for national unity education , people of all nationalities establish strong sense of national unity .


  27. First , traditional Chinese culture such as martial arts , Peking opera , Chinese calligraphy , tea culture , etc. , have long been the common heritage of the Chinese people and have contributed towards a sense of national unity and pride ,


  28. Clothing series are diverse in design and can impress people with a sense of harmony and unity .


  29. On the other hand , it is seeking to represent a natural sense of harmony and unity with nature and respect for nature from poetry and garden in Japan .


  30. Teachers ' sense of happiness is unity of the happiness of individual and society , material and spiritual happiness , sincere dedication and self accomplishment , and the happiness of creation and the happiness of enjoyment .
