second childhood
- n.第二童年;老年昏聩状态

Be gentle In old age ; peevishness are worse second childhood than In first .
Unit 6 Is This What They Mean by Second Childhood ?
Grandpa seems to be in his second childhood .
My grandfather be in his second childhood .
If these people had jumped whole-heartedly into a second childhood it would have made more sense .
Be gentle In old age ; peevishness are worse In second childhood than In first .
He 's in his second childhood , playing with his grandson 's toy trains .
He 's a dear old chap , but over ninety and in his second childhood .
A / one 's second childhood ( often joc ); period in later life when one acts as one did as a child
These days she was acting very stupidly , as if she were in her second childhood .
Carrey has come a long way from his unhappy childhood and in fact seems to be living a second childhood now .
Perhaps it was a mere whim on His part , for he is falling , they say , into second childhood , but I love him for showing so muc interest in you .
Educate a kid , is tantamount to the second-time education of the adult , for the second time childhood , be born for the second time .
After youth he again goes through the second phase of childhood , also called as old age .
Until very recently , learning a second language in childhood was thought of as dangerous , he said .
Cultivating a child 's hobbies is ranked at the top of the list , with tutoring coming in second and early childhood education taking third place , according to the survey , which polled nearly 2300 households in Shanghai .
First , because they are so dependent on us for their well-being , and second because deprivations in childhood have such an outsize effect , she said .
Ruth R. Faden , director of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics , said children have a special claim to protection . " First , because they are so dependent on us for their well-being , and second because deprivations in childhood have such an outsize effect , " she said .