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  • 网络串行通信接口;上海长宁国际学校;科学课程改进研究;性犯罪搜查班;赛立信竞争情报管理系统
  1. Included the environment of SCIS , system complexity , system business process , data model and so on .


  2. The Spinal Injury Hospital located in Nairobi , Kenya is the only hospital in East Africa catering to people living with SCIs .


  3. The scheme can extend one RS-232 SCI of PC to four RS-422 / RS-485 SCIs under the mode of photoelectricity coupling .


  4. The purpose of this paper was confirmed according to analyzing the limitation in current study and detailed study on correlative specialty literature of supply chain flexibility , SCIS flexibility , uncertainty information management .


  5. This paper analyses the affects on the supply chain information systems ( SCIS ) of the Web techniques . Then a series of strategic methods needed in constructing a SCIS , from information exchange protocol to inter-organization information system integration , are suggested .
