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  • 网络计划;图式;基模
  1. Discussion on the Construction Schem of the Computer Network System for Hydrological Planning Information Management


  2. Current State of fault Recorder and Discussion on New Schem


  3. A Novel Synchronizing Schem with Phase Tracking for Ultra Wideband System


  4. The Implementing Schem of SSL Protocol ( 3 . 0 ) Auto Key Management


  5. The schem will have the displacement error corrected during the movement .


  6. In this schem , the system model is simulated with MATLAB simulation software , thereby ascertaining the parameters of the system .


  7. It analyzed the construction method of high-speed railway passenger station layout schem evaluation system models especially and established reasonable evaluation index system structure according to it .


  8. New scheme for classification of united dispatching system is proposed . The determination of optimum schem must be verified by simulation for the optimum solution acquireed .


  9. In chapter 4 , the author design a chaotic spectrum spread sequence based on chaotic mapping and the optimization schem based on genetic algorithm ( GA ) is also proposed .


  10. The therapy group would take orally pancreatic kininogenase additionally for8 weeks on the basis of original therapy schem and UAER before and after taking the medicine would be measured .


  11. The basic thought and design schem of the memory control system to the height of cutting drum of shearer is elaborated , which offers a refrence to the design of automatic control system of shearer .


  12. Taking the engineering for instance , fuzzy judge of technique and economic characteristic were carried out to displacement and traditional ventilation system . The results can provide a reference for optimization schem of ventilation and air conditioning system .


  13. At the end , through analyzing development schem for style of study of Jianxi S institute , I present several pieces of suggestion for building style of study based on conclusion resulted from investigation and interviews for college students .


  14. This paper analyzes the security performance of SSL protocol ( 3.0 ) key management , and proposes an implementing schem of SSL protocol key management - a schem of auto key management . meantime puts out little weakness of SSL .


  15. Because of the local collapse of the 300t mixer receiving iron mouth and a lot of consumption about receiving iron jackets , after analyzing three restoration schemes , the field hot pouring schem is adopted combining the practice production .


  16. The primary system design philosophy of Tian Guang TCSC scheme at Pingguo substation implemented by Siemens was published in the issue of 2004 ,( 4 ) of the magazine . In this issue , the control and protection sysem of Tian Guang TCSC schem will be introduced .
