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  • 网络卫星;标准成绩考试;新翔集团;小飞机运输系统;测试服务;新加坡樟宜机场
  1. I didn 't know they take SATs in China . They don 't.


  2. It 's brown . everyone 's got good grades and sats .


  3. They consistently score higher on SATs and other achievement tests .


  4. I got like a 40 on my SATs .


  5. Do you know what President George W. Bush got on his college SATs ?


  6. Well , that 's because Carter got a perfect score on his SATs .


  7. But the findings will shake confidence in SATs in the week before national results are issued .


  8. You needed to find a job , take the SATs , join the Army or get into a college .


  9. This Small Aircraft Transportation System ( Sats ) would divert pressure away from the " hub-and-spoke " model of air travel .


  10. I was never tutored in anything and walked into the SATs without having seen a sample SAT question .


  11. The move is being considered after exam watchdogs said as many as one in five children is given incorrect SATs marks .


  12. who all got 1600 on their SATs ?


  13. Sweetheart , listen to me . This is the SATs , okay ?


  14. SATs and other academic artifacts remain relevant in part because they are easy -- if imperfect -- metrics for hiring managers to understand .


  15. The current American imperium appears to have been built at the offices of the Educational Testing Service , which administers the SATs .


  16. National Sats tests taken in the final year of primary school were a cause of anxiety for some , while the transition to secondary school was challenging for others .


  17. Michael , sats are down . Chill .


  18. The 29-year-old Don Jon actress would have taken the SATs around 2002 , at which time the average score was 1020 , making 1,080 slightly above average .


  19. Meanwhile , teaching unions called on ministers to consign SATs ' to the dustbin of history ' because it was ' highly dangerous ' to rely on the results .


  20. The individuals who resisted the marshmallow at roughly ages 4 and 5 performed better in school , scored an average of about 250 points higher on their SATs and had happier family lives .


  21. Research involving 1000 adults aged between 16 and 77 found that only 67 per cent would reach Level 4 in Standard Assessment Tests ( SATs ) , while less than half ( 44 per cent ) would achieve Level 5 .


  22. Ofqual is considering issuing cigarette packet-style health warnings alongside results in SATs , GCSEs and A-levels to serve as a reminder that grades cannot be totally accurate .


  23. instead , they say they believe SATs and other college entrance exams like the ACT help when comparing candidates with differing backgrounds or figuring out whether someone has the raw brainpower required for the job .


  24. You took dozens of practice SATs , practiced viola for thousands of hours ( violinists are a dime a dozen ) and French-braided the hair of homeless veterans .


  25. With no access to bilingual education , she was initially placed in special classes for kids with speech impediments and advanced so rapidly that she scored a 1420 on her sats & in eighth grade .


  26. Nationally , Asian students lead in terms of overall grade point averages . They outscore their peers on the math portion of the SATs and are more likely to take math-heavy classes like physics and calculus .


  27. Some of you might get an extra cortisol kick over the next couple of weeks if you 're registered to take the ACT or the SATs , whether we are talking about major standardized tasks or exams in your regular classes .


  28. S.journalists such as Nicholas Lemann , author of The Big Test , and the Atlantic 's James Fallows began to question whether the SATs , as the latter put it ," really discover the best and the brightest ?"


  29. AZUZ : Some of you might get an extra cortisol kick over the next couple of weeks if you 're registered to take the ACT or the SATs , whether we are talking about major standardized tasks or exams in your regular classes .
