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  • 网络彭德尔
  1. Mr Pendle hit his head on a wall as he fell


  2. I only wanted to live quietly at Read Hall and watch the changing skies over Pendle Hill .


  3. From Read Hall , Pendle Hill looked different : it looked smaller , and it was not so important in my life .


  4. Pendle Hill was beautiful . I loved Pendle Hill because it sat quietly all year and watched me .


  5. I go with her from village to village . I go with her across Pendle Hill.She asks people for money and food , and I help her . 'Alizon stopped .


  6. ' I 'm going to Mr Nowell , ' I said quietly , to Pendle Hill . 'I 'm going to tell him about my mother and her friends . '


  7. Every Sunday , in my best dress , I went to church ; every summer I walked over Pendle Hill . I never thought about my family , because I was happy at Read Hall .


  8. The trial of the witches of Pendle began at Lancaster Castle on the eighteenth day of August , and the judge was an impor-tant man from London .


  9. Sometimes I walked along Sabden Brook to Sabden , and then to Newchurch , and I felt happy to be near Pendle Hill again.But I never visited Malkin Tower again .


  10. Roger Nowell was a rich and important man in Lancashire , and he was the judge for all the villages near Pendle Hill.He lived at Read Hall , seven miles from Newchurch .


  11. We lived some miles from the village of New church , in an old house called Malkin Tower . It was dirty and cold . The rain came in through the windows and there were no doors . To the west , was the big hill called Pendle .
