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  1. S30 : I believe China is going to be richer and stronger .


  2. Film star Tom Hanks is poised to make his first acting appearance on prime time network TV in more than two decades when he guest stars on NBC ' s30 Rock this spring .


  3. Aside from E6 , the Dongfeng Fengshen S30 , Chang'an Zhixiang and other new energy cars are also found in the catalogue , indicating that China has improved the promotion of new energy vehicles .


  4. Create a new habit by using that information for21 days ( the commonly cited number of days it takes to establish a new habit ) or , perhaps even better , with Steve Pavlina ´ s30 day trial .


  5. The total collection reaches to 3.33 million volumes , over 6000 kinds of Chinese and foreign languages current periodicals , S30 000 E-books , nearly 11 000 full-text E-journal titles of foreign languages and more than 17 000 of Chinese .
