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(Roman mythology) founder of Rome;suckled with his twin brother Remus by a wolf after their parents (Mars and Rhea Silvia) abandoned them;Romulus killed Remus in an argument over the building of Rome


  1. According to the old tradition , Romulus was the founder of Rome .


  2. Romulus began at once to lay off the bounds of his little town .


  3. All night long Romulus sat alone on the summit of the Palatine .


  4. ( Roman mythology ) the twin brother of Romulus .


  5. This section first from the legendary Roman monarchy period , played by Romulus four king laid the first Roman land system .


  6. Romulus and miss Arabelle were two lengths ahead .


  7. Romulus planned to kidnap the Sabine women and bring them back to Rome as citizens .


  8. Then the shepherds heard from the summit of the opposite hill the deep toned voice of Romulus crying .


  9. The very heart of the Romulus and Remus story : brothers take the rightful place of others , foster parents bring up other people 's children .


  10. Romulus and Remus might have remained in Alba Longa and lived at ease in their grandfather 's palace ;


  11. The most famous of all the fairy tales about wild children , however , are Romulus and Remus , the founders of Rome .


  12. Romulus is said to have made the first allotments of land to individuals , about two and one-half acres ( two jugera ) to a person .


  13. The House of Romulus shall dread the Boar 's savagery , and the end of the Boar will be shrouded in mystery .


  14. Romulus 's life ended in the thirty-eighth year of his reign , with a supernatural disappearance , if he was not slain by the senate .


  15. The Senate could only be convened when Romulus called for it , and once assembled , the senators merely sat in silence and listened to his edicts .


  16. Romulus won the battle and the city became known as Rome . Who will hereafter believe that Rome has to fight now within her own borders , not for glory but for life ?


  17. And here , Machiavelli gives a list of those heroic founders of peoples and states Moses , Cyrus , Romulus , Theseus , and so on .


  18. The celebration began at the Lupercal cave , where the wolf Lupa was said to have suckled the infant Romulus and Remus .


  19. There are pictures by Spanish artist Salvador Dali , a model of the state coach in pure gold from a Saudi Arabian prince and a bronze sculpture of Romulus and Remus from Italy .


  20. One of the oldest traditions , patria potestas was said to have been granted by Romulus , and even gave a father control over his children 's possessions , which remained his until he died .


  21. Quantitative Characteristics and Regulation Study on Reproductive Ramets of Apocynum Venetum Population in the North China Plain The House of Romulus shall dread the Boar 's savagery , and the end of the Boar will be shrouded in mystery .


  22. The retreat of Rocca Bianca was at the top of a small mountain , which no doubt in former days had been a volcano & an extinct volcano before the days when Remus and Romulus had deserted Alba to come and found the city of rome .
