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  • 网络类立克次体;类立克次氏体;逻辑操作的结果;逻辑运算结果;逻辑操作结果
  1. RLO has fewer influences on Th1 / Th2 balance and immunologic suppression postoperatively .


  2. The results showed that the RLO with an integrated cell membrane and a nucleoid of low electronic density appeared in the cytoplasm .


  3. According to the both experimental results of the antibiotics and electronic microscope examination , it is suggested that RLO is the causative agents of brown bast disease .


  4. It discusses the use of RLO in course design and the building principle of its interior elements . This method presents a templet for course developer to building course based on learning object .


  5. Hackers use Unicode control characters0x202E ( RLO ) to reverse parts of a special file name , which changes the look of the file name in Windows Explorer .


  6. An optical and transmission electron microscope study on nerve tissue of thoracic ganglion and muscles in the crab , Eriocheir sinensis which suffering from tremor disease , indicated that rickettsia like organisms ( RLO ) infested in glial cells , connective tissue and intercellular space .
