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  • abbr.RJ公司;road junction 交叉路口
  1. The RJ - Model Artificial Heart Valve Testing Machine


  2. The relative molecular weight and viscosity of RJ hydrolysates were significantly decreased .


  3. The Transformation of RJ / 72 Yarn Feeding Device


  4. Now we went to RJ Reynolds for a response .


  5. Racoon RJ says that over the hedge live greedy creatures called humans .


  6. Yi , in fact , wasn 't the first international big man they had gone after using RJ as bait .


  7. In the second part the article analyzes three theory about RJ , which are balance of justice , efficiency of judicatory and mental requirement ;


  8. Restorative Justice ( RJ , abr ) is an alternative dispute resolving system on the basis of the traditional criminal justice .


  9. Finally , when RJ bats a blue balloon toward his head , Derek 's mouth curls into a smile .


  10. It was also the first report about the antiaging activity of the optimized enzymatic RJ hydrolysate in D-galactose induced aging mouse model in vivo .


  11. Results of single factor test showed that enzymatic hydrolysis conditions would affect the scavenging activity of DPPH and reducing power of ferric ion of RJ hydrolysates .


  12. The results show that directional solidified phase constituent is composed of primary ε phase , peritectic rj phase and eutectic (η + Sn ) phase .


  13. Facing the more difficult crime , RJ is a way in which may prompt to adopt a series of measures to suit and complement the traditional criminal justice .


  14. Results showed that , Comparing with the aging mice , given low dose of optimized RJ hydrolysate promoted the proliferation and transformation of B lymphocyte induced by LPS .


  15. In the respects of improving internal aging performance , given optimized RJ hydrolysate help to delay the atrophy of thymus to prevent immune function diminished with aging .


  16. Moreover , the degradation of inhibitor of kappa B alpha ( I κ B α) was partly restrained by the optimized RJ hydrolysate .


  17. BON provides a line service of RJ PLUG and RJ JACK used in network communication including exploitation of mould ﹑ projection of plastic ﹑ embedded processing and assembly .


  18. Take RJ Watches SA 's Moon Orbiter , a watch inspired by the Apollo missions that took the first men to the moon .


  19. An affiliate of RJ Reynolds International pled guilty to charges of helping smugglers illegally reroute export cigarettes into Canada .


  20. We first review the typical methods of spatial join , then implement the algorithm of spatial join based on Rtree ( RJ ) in our spatial database system , SADBS .


  21. On the far court , Jordan McRae is yelling at RJ and Frye about something - probably teasing them for being old .


  22. To rock with specific rockburst tendency , there is corresponding critical depth of softening zone , Rj , i.e. rockburst occurs when softening zone depth reaches Rj .


  23. Richard Feltes , vice-president at broker RJ O'Brien , said the lower crop ups the risks of reintroducing food inflation as an issue affecting global recovery .


  24. RJ is rich in proteins and has high value in health care such as immunity adjustment , antioxidant activity , antiaging activity , antibacterial activity , antitumor activity and cardiovascular system regulation .


  25. The BFGS algorithm , which is 15.5 ? % ~ 33.1 ? % faster than the RJ algorithm , was proved to be an efficient R-tree spatial join algorithm .


  26. But as RJ 's cool charisma slowly wins over the other animals , Verne begins to question himself and what 's truly best for his family .


  27. This paper summarizes the map methods for the synthesis of logic functions and introduces the bj coefficient map [ 1 ] and the Rj spectral coefficient map [ 2 ] proposed by the authors .


  28. Richard Feltes , vice-president at broker RJ O'Brien , said the lower crop " ups the risks of reintroducing food inflation as an issue affecting global recovery . "


  29. Star Scientific sued RJ Reynolds , a unit of North Carolina-based Reynolds American , in2001 over a method of treating tobacco to prevent the formation of tobacco-specific nitrosamines .


  30. The posterior modes of the QTL numbers overlapped with the true number of QTL almost in all simulated conditions , which proved that RJ MCMC was perfect in QTL number estimating .
