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  • v.重新行走;重新步行,再次走过
  1. Produced by Argo Medical Technologies , ReWalk consists of leg braces , motorized joints and motion sensors that correct for changes in balance and movement .


  2. There are several other platforms for paraplegics besides the ReWalk , including the Ekso , Indego , and REX Bionics .


  3. He said that the company aimed to make the robot more affordable than foreign models such as Israel-made ReWalk and Japanese-made Cyberdyne currently on the market .


  4. Spungen has investigated the uses of exoskeletal walking devices , including the ReWalk , at the Veterans Affairs facility in the Bronx where the center is located .


  5. ReWalk was created by Argo 's founder , Amit Goffer , himself quadriplegic as the result of a 1997 ATV accident .


  6. The first patient took a ReWalk home in July . It 's not cheap . The price for one is $ 69500 , and ReWalk CEO Larry Jasinski says he doesn 't expect that to change anytime soon .
