return from exile

美 [rɪˈtɜːrn frəm ˈeksaɪl]英 [rɪˈtɜːn frəm ˈeksaɪl]
  • 流亡归来
return from exilereturn from exile
  1. Her popularity has declined since her triumphal return from exile two year ago .


  2. Mr thaksin 's planned return from exile brings other worries .


  3. And perhaps the return from exile of former chief executive Michael Woodford .


  4. Of course , Chaplin 's honor also marked his return from exile in Switzerland .


  5. 2 dozens were killed as two explosions in Pakistan hit near the convoy carrying former premier Benazir Bhutto in her return from exile .


  6. General Musharraf , althoughearlier this month his government immediately deported one leading opponent , Nawaz Sharif , a former prime minister , when he tried to return from exile .


  7. The Parliament thus was elected in1660 resolved the crisis by asking the late king 's son to return from his exile in France as King Charles ii .
