
美 [ˌriːɪɡˈnaɪtɪŋ]英 [ˌriːɪɡˈnaɪtɪŋ]
  • v.再点燃;(使)重新燃烧
  • reignite的现在分词
  1. Thus reigniting of consumer product quality problems of widespread concern .


  2. The G20 is right to focus on reigniting world growth .


  3. More important , the eurozone lacks a credible strategy for reigniting demand .


  4. We must campaign on structural reforms focused on reigniting the marketplace for jobs and innovation .


  5. The central bank 's program may continue to push stock prices higher if it succeeds in reigniting economic expansion .


  6. But there is also a residual risk of reigniting inflationary pressure if the relaxation in economic policies goes too far .


  7. This may be a more fruitful exercise than reigniting the spent flames of the 1960s .


  8. Our top priority as a nation is reigniting the true engine of our economic growth - a rising , thriving middle class .


  9. If successful in reigniting the economy then our analysis of the history of quantitative easing over the past 150 years points to eventual high inflation .


  10. To fulfill that promise , its producers have looked abroad , reigniting an old debate about who , really , is Chinese .


  11. So does the natural balancing mechanism that if easy money succeeds in reigniting the economy , that stimulus will have to be withdrawn .


  12. Last year , a Spanish man plunged to his death while taking photos , reigniting the debate over whether a security fence should be installed to protect visitors .


  13. Around 160 German tax collection experts have volunteered to go to Greece to help combat widespread tax evasion in a move that risks reigniting tensions between Berlin and Athens .


  14. Lynch was seen in character for the first time in the trailer , reigniting the conversation about whether James Bond himself could be re-cast as a woman for the next film .


  15. The transformative power of entrepreneurial ambition is evident in Bejay Mulenga , who credits his tuck shop business success with reigniting his interest in school and getting his grades up .


  16. South Korea 's pioneering stem cell scientist has cloned a dog , smashing another biological barrier and reigniting a fierce ethical debate-while producing a perky , lovable puppy .


  17. It had readied talking points to explain why it was reigniting a browser war with Microsoft MSFT - 0.48 % , and why its erstwhile ally , Mozilla , maker of the Firefox browser , shouldn 't worry .
