
  • 网络惩罚的;报应;报应性


given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts
retributive justice
Synonym: retributory vindicatory
of or relating to or having the nature of retribution
retributive justice demands an eye for an eye
Synonym: retaliatory relatiative retributory vindicatory


  1. Retributive Theory in Zhi Yuan 's Buddhism Ideology


  2. After rethinking the traditional idea of retributive punishment , modern criminal policies have made some turnings .


  3. His conception of the criminal law turned on the idea of retributive justice .


  4. Otherwise it will lead to the error to repeat the evaluation , lost retributive justice and utilitarian justice .


  5. But a grim and retributive mood settled over predominantly Sunni areas .


  6. Revenge is the corresponding retributive justice , and compensation for mental counterpart is the restorative justice .


  7. The essence of religion is life transmigration , retributive justice and undying of soul .


  8. This is the Karmic result of Retributive Actions ( cause and Effect ) that we have created in out past lives .


  9. From the angle of the relationship between justice and social order , retributive justice means suppressing and sacrificing the demand of protecting social order .


  10. Compared to the retributive justice , restorative justice is a criminal treatment which achieves the restorative effect adopting the restorative procedure .


  11. Research on the Folk People 's Thoughts and Grass-root Society of Nan Song by the Retributive Stories in Yi Jian Zhi


  12. Criminal positive jurisprudence school bring out the individualization of punishment principle , and it developed from retributive justice and general prevention to individual prevention .


  13. The utilitarian theory insists upon the maximum social benefit from the punishment ; the retributive theory argues for the just and deserving .


  14. The end of punishment is an ancient topic which is limited in the doctrine of retributive punishment and the prevention of crimes doctrine .


  15. In modern criminal law punishment individualization stresses not only the need of defending crime and retributive need but also criminal complexion and criminal possibility over again of criminal .


  16. At the same time , conflict and fusion between the Buddhist comeuppance theory and the traditional retributive view in China are analyzed when Buddhism was prosperous in Tang and Song .


  17. The response to crime has gone through many methods such as retaliative punishment , deterrent punishment , retributive punishment , correctional punishment and eclectic punishment .


  18. The criminal record system is an important part of the penalty area , which is reasonable analyzing from retributive punishment and utilitarianism , and it has positive effect on criminal personality and social prevention .


  19. But because of the weakness of rule utilitarianism , the limits of Rawls ' understandings of traditional utilitarian and retributive theories , the reconciliation failed .


  20. Secondly , based on the retributive conception , the retributive mentality of victims is one kind of external realities , and it should be abreacted in a reasonable way ;


  21. Deferred prosecution is accompanied by the trend transferring from the theory of retributive punishment to purposive punishment and the emergence of the doctrine of prosecuting discretion .


  22. As the renaissance movement was popular in Europe in the eighteenth century , these ideas penetrated into the punishment theory slowly and the idea of retributive punishment began to waver .


  23. While it kept its religious discipline , idea of future life , spiritualism and individualism , it also in some degree accepted the traditional Retributive moral principles , the idea of current life and utilitarianism .


  24. Through the statement about the theory of retributive penalty and the theory of utilitarian penalty , this part points out that retribution , corresponding to accomplished crime , is the just basis of Recidivist system ;


  25. The pattern of restorative judicature differs greatly from the pattern of traditional retributive justice , which takes great advantage of the criminal 's penitence , repentance , and the victim 's pardon .


  26. The compensation has the dual function of retribution and prevention , compensation is the modern retribution to some extent , compensation for the loss of the victims and their families achieve retributive justice to a certain degree .


  27. Lex talionis is Latin for retributive justice , and here 's how the experiment went down : Researchers from Columbia Business School and the Kellogg School at Northwestern put 48 randomly selected volunteers through two rounds of negotiations .


  28. In this section , we propose the probation system is based on the penalty of restraining , the combination theory of retributive punishment theory and purpose of punishment theory , and the individual punishment theory . Besides , we have analyzed the meaning of this theoretical basis .


  29. Security Measures introduced into the field of criminal law is quite significant on the development of modern Western criminal law , it is the result that the modern retributive punishment transformed into the educational penalty , is the humane and scientific symbol of the modern Western criminal law .


  30. Lex talionis is Latin for " retributive justice , " and here 's how the experiment went down : Researchers from Columbia Business School and the Kellogg School at Northwestern put 48 randomly selected volunteers through two rounds of negotiations . Lex talionis
