
美 [ˌriːˈteɪkɪŋ]英 [ˌriːˈteɪkɪŋ]
  • v.收复(失地);恢复控制
  • retake的现在分词



  • 2
    VERB 收复,重新占领,夺回(战争中的失地)
    If a military force retakes a place or building which it has lost in a war or battle, it captures it again.

    Residents were moved 30 miles away as the rebels retook the town.


  • 3
    N-COUNT 重拍;重新拍摄
    If during the making of a film there is a retake of a particular scene, that scene is filmed again because it needs to be changed or improved.

    The director, Ron Howard, was dissatisfied with Nicole's response even after several retakes.


  • 4
    VERB 重修;重考
    If you retake a course or an examination, you take it again because you failed it the first time.

    I had one year in the sixth form to retake my GCSEs.



the act of taking something back
Synonym: recapture


  1. The government proposed the ceasefire after retaking the city of Malakal .


  2. You can take the quiz as many times as you wish , but you must go all the way through before retaking any questions .


  3. Rebel forces say they are pushing further west and are close to retaking the town of Brega .


  4. In another effort to bring more focus , page reorganized the company into seven groups shortly after retaking the chief executive role last year .


  5. The rebels then moved west , retaking the oil town of Brega and Ras Lanuf , meeting little resistance .


  6. Around the world governments are retaking substantial parts of the commanding heights of their economies , although in an improvised way , more like the fire department than a master plan .


  7. Mark Mahaney , Internet analyst at Citigroup , says the figures give cause for optimism , but two key metrics will determine if Mr Yang retaking control has been a success .


  8. The normal method of image edge detection does not connect each element of edge with the whole edges , therefore , there is neither losing the element nor retaking it , which make the edge rough .


  9. In the second part , after evaluating the existing basic theories , the author probed the legal nature of the ownership reservation , the seller 's retaking right and the buyer 's right of expectation .


  10. After that , an improved arithmetic is proposed and in this arithmetic the echo signal is compensated through the time-frequency analysis of the detected beat signal , which is analyzed by retaking WVD distribution and radon transform .


  11. Nur al-Din took advantage of the absence of Amalric and Jerusalem 's army to attack the Crusader States , winning a pitched battle and retaking the city of Harim .


  12. In this paper , a new processing technology of blaze image of the boiler is introduced , including the technics such as the image collection , graying , dynamic regulation of the brightness , imagine matching of the fringe characteristic , data processing , retaking of the historic data .


  13. The conclusion that shaped the history of sound words have the following characteristics : of the formation of retaking , Sound symbol pictogram frequent replacement , structural instability of the layout , structure , complexity level , form tenaciously adhere to sound is the ideographic character of the performance .
