representative species

美 [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv ˈspiːʃiːz]英 [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv ˈspiːʃiːz]
  • 网络代表性物种
representative speciesrepresentative species
  1. 4,000 representative species , and you can see where we are .


  2. The correlation between intron and gene expression of 4 representative species was studied .


  3. Studies on Isozyme Electrophoresis of Sphaeropsidales Species ⅱ . Analysis of Representative Species from 8 Genera


  4. Ranchu Goldfish is the most representative species in Japan .


  5. Representative species and their distribution , adaptability , main use for medicine and the probabilities of exploitation were described in detail in this paper .


  6. The development patterns of twenty-one species were reported and the development processes of several representative species of Arthrobotrys were described in detail in the paper .


  7. Lycoris aurea , being a representative species of Lycoris Herb , is a fine decorative plant and medicinal plant .


  8. Brassica napus is a representative species of dicotyledon , which has large demand for boron and is very sensitive to boron deficiency .


  9. This article analyzed the heat transfer mechanism in combustibility porous media , established corresponding heat transfer calculation model , and presented the inner temperature field of the representative species under the effect of inner source .


  10. Genetic diversity analysis of diploid and allotetraploid cotton species was carried out using SSR molecular markers by selecting representative species having A and ( or ) D genome in Gossypium .


  11. We analyzed the 22 sequences of SSD from representative species of different phyla . The results show that the amino acid composition of SSD is biased greatly but three-dimensional structure is conservative .


  12. In this study , some new and representative species of foreign turf grass were selected to conduct a comparative experiment on their ecological adaptability and turfing quality under the circumstance of temperate continental semi-drought climate in Yangzhou District .


  13. As a representative species of freshwater pearl mussels , Hyriopsis schlegelii has important commercial values . Study on the gonad development can provide theoretical references for conservation of germplasm resources , artificial breed and sex induction of H. schlegelii .


  14. There were 74 fish species in these waters , belonging to 8 orders , 16 families , most were indicator species in North China Region , Ningxia-Mongolia Region and West China Region . Also , there were some representative species in East China and South China .


  15. Laminaria japonica and Undaria pinnatifida , representative species of brown algae , inhabit subtidal zone ; Ulva pertusa and Enteromorpha prolifera , representative species of green algae , inhabit intertidal zone . The four kinds of macroalgae have important economical and ecological values .


  16. This study investigated seven representative decapod species from four hydrothermal vents throughout the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans .


  17. The study was to test the Anti-noise effects of 16 representative tree species of pure woods on three different woods-widths which were 10 m , 20 m and 30 m in Zhujiang Delta .


  18. Study on Niche of Representative Harmful Algal Bloom Species in the Coastal Waters of China


  19. Sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) exhausted from electric power plants , boilers , industrial plants by the combustion of fossil fuel , are representative air pollutant gas species causing acid precipitants .
