
美 [ˌriːˈdʒɔɪnz , rɪˈdʒɔɪnz]英 [ˌriːˈdʒɔɪnz , rɪˈdʒɔɪnz]
  • v.重新加入;和…重新在一起
  • v.回答;反驳
  • rejoin的第三人称单数



  • 2
    VERB 重新加入;重新参加
    If you rejoin a group, club, or organization, you become a member of it again after not being a member for a period of time.

    The Prime Minister of Fiji has said Fiji is in no hurry to rejoin the Commonwealth...


  • 3
    VERB 重新与…在一起;与…重聚
    If you rejoin someone, you go back to them after a short time away from them.

    Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father.


  • 4
    VERB 返回,重返(路线或道路)
    If you rejoin a route, you go back to it after travelling along a different route for a time.

    At Dorset Wharf go left to rejoin the river...


  • 5
    VERB (机智地)应答;(尖锐地)反驳
    To rejoin means to answer quickly what someone has said, usually in a clever or critical manner.

    'I dare say they do,' rejoined his wife drily. 'And who's to say who's right?'


  1. This lane rejoins the main road further on .


  2. She makes a detour and rejoins us on the other side of the wood


  3. The road goes around in a loop and rejoins the main road about 2 kilometers past the town .


  4. This one is gone like a shot . It rejoins its teammates safely waiting at a distance .


  5. Conclusion : There were different clinical and pathological features among different rejoins of pleomorphic adenoma , which was helpful to clinical diagnosis and treatment .


  6. This lane rejoins the main road further on . Yankee Dryer End Covers Compensated with Sleeved Bar Analysis of Working Stress


  7. He then rejoins her on the walk to the helicopter , but keeps the umbrella over his own head .


  8. A railway line that branches from the trunk line and then rejoins it later on . Constructional technology of laying a new rail link between cross-CWR


  9. Just ahead of Witherspoon , who rejoins the list with movie earnings and Big Little Lies paychecks , is Jennifer Lawrence .
