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  • 网络事件概率回归;换发动机计划;概率回归;事件概率回归估计;力波啤酒
  1. There are already many methods for the Multi-factor Bi-value forecast , such as Coding method , REEP method , etc.


  2. Basing on defining damage variable with flaws in rock , this paper uses linear viscoelasticity fracture mechanics to set up a damage reep model and analyses the model .


  3. Shenyang precipitation probability forecasting service system could provide with precipitation probability prediction , based on REEP method and MOS forecasting equations from Japanese numerical weather prediction production and multiple statistical methods .


  4. Of the76 million homes in India that have no access to electricity , 65 million use carbon-emitting kerosene , according to REEP .


  5. You 're to go on - Reep and Edmund , and Lucy , and Eustace ; and I 'm to go back .


  6. " After joining WTO " We can have the required rights , use it 's benefits to maintain and raise Chinese position in international community , and reep the integration , sovereignty and dignity of China .
