
美 [rɪˈbʌfɪŋ]英 [rɪˈbʌfɪŋ]
  • v.断然拒绝;阻碍
  • rebuff的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 拒绝;回绝
    If you rebuff someone or rebuff a suggestion that they make, you refuse to do what they suggest.

    He wanted sex with Julie but she rebuffed him...


  1. China rebuffing efforts by Western powers to introduce a new set of sanctions against Iran .


  2. An application has the choice of either rebuffing those perceived mistakes or assisting users in their explorations .


  3. After rebuffing repeated advances from the secretary and people close to him , Mr Li found out in early 2009 that he was the target of a police investigation .


  4. It has taken no outside investment , rebuffing numerous venture capitalists and other would-be backers that include Napster founder Sean Parker .


  5. Sri Lanka is again rebuffing diplomatic calls for an immediate halt to its final assault against Tamil rebels , on a sliver of northeastern coastline .


  6. Japan plans to double its whale catch in the northwest Pacific Ocean and add sei whales to the list , a government official said , rebuffing international criticism of the country 's whaling program .


  7. A new assertiveness is on display whether it involves confronting the US at the climate change talks in Copenhagen , rebuffing American demands on currency or testing a new stealth fighter while the US defence secretary is visiting Beijing .


  8. Beijing had scored a triumph only a few months earlier , at the November 2010 Seoul G-20 summit , in rebuffing Washington 's pleas for more action on global rebalancing and thereby showing that China was an economic force to be reckoned with .
