readily agree

美 [ˈredɪli əˈɡriː]英 [ˈredɪli əˈɡriː]
  • 欣然同意
readily agreereadily agree
  1. Your comment they party will readily agree rather doubtful .


  2. They cannot readily agree to it .


  3. I readily agree that there would be some benefit to both China and America of an appreciation in the yuan .


  4. This may sound exaggerated , but on arriving in the High lands most people readily agree that the scenery is indeed magnificent .


  5. However , when we link their essays with the literary view of " art-for-life ", we find Maodun readily agree luxun .


  6. Ladies and gentlemen , when I am here to say that in the coming new age , human survival and development hinge upon a harmony between people and nature , may I take it for granted that you will all readily agree with me ?
