- adj.杂乱的;组织散漫的;给人印象差的

It was a luxury the ragtag team obviously could not afford .
A ragtag army roadblock on the outskirts of the city .
Tensof thousands of euros flowed in , bolstering their ragtag relief efforts .
In Congo , the UN is doing its best to hold the ring between several rival ragtag armies .
A ragtag group of can-do ruffians trying to compete in a world that just doesn 't seem to care .
A few days ago my ragtag group of soldiers journeyed to a small European town that had been untouched by warfare .
From a ragtag army of militias and regulars to you & the finest military that the world has ever known .
The reality of the extreme isolation due to " ragtag status " of Jewry and self obturation reinforced his inward self abasement .
Von Steuben starts by drilling discipline into Washington 's ragtag recruits . The men are unlike any he has ever trained before .
EXAMPLE : A ragtag group of customers , some without jackets or scarves despite the snow outside , appeared at the door of our new shop the day we opened .
Awaiting them was a small number of English war ships and on land an English militia , a ragtag army of about 10,000 untrained and poorly armed men .
What started out as a couple of ragtag brazen Americans juggling on the streets of Europe as a great adventure has ended up being a great New York institution .
TEXT : Washington 's ragtag troops are about to face he best-equipped and most powerful fighting force in the world.June 29th . 45 British warships mass off Staten Island .
As Washington grew more assertive , Russia and China improved relations to the warmest since the 1950s , while a ragtag group of countries such as Venezuela , Belarus and Iran deepened ties .
The day he took office , he likened his cabinet to a ragtag militia that helped overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate at the start of the Meiji era in the late19th century .
In our ragtag band of scientists with nothing to lose , I 'm the smart one , Wolowitz is the funny one , and Koothrappali is the lovable foreigner who struggles to understand our ways and fails .
This befits its air of scruffy , ragtag informality and a menu that 's inspired in part by street food from Thailand , or , to be more specific , the northeastern Thai province of Isan .
A ragtag bunch of rebels faces the greatest military superpower of the day . It 's a war they never should have won . This is the secret history of how they did it --- daring , leadership , new ways of fighting and true American grit .
The new series takes place in the Star Wars timeline between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope , and follows a ragtag group of rebels who are figuring out how to stand up against the monolithic power of the Empire , which has just taken control of the galaxy .
But to win the war against the British , Washington turns to an unlikely hero who will transform his ragtag militia into a formidable fighting machine.1778 . George Washington 's Patriot Army survives a hard winter and an outbreak of smallpox at Valley Forge . Now Washington introduces a new recruit who will change the course of the war .