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  • 网络反三碘甲状腺原氨酸;反三碘甲腺原氨酸;三碘甲腺原氨酸;三碘甲状腺原氨酸;血清反三碘甲状腺原氨酸
  1. Successful Development of RT3 Type Rock High Pressure True Triaxial Testing Machine


  2. Clinical significance of detection of serum rT3 level in patients with Graves ′ disease


  3. Objective : To observe the changes of serum thyroxine ( TH ) and the effect of rT3 and TSH on thyroid function .


  4. Serum T4 content decreased during the proceeding period and then increased , serum T3 content increased gradually , and serum rT3 content showed a gradually decreased tendency .


  5. The serum T3 and rT3 of infants with dangerous and serious diseased and healthy children were determined by immunological automatic counting produced by American Company of Packard .


  6. Conclusions : The decreased level of TT_3 、 TT_4 and increased rT3 in DKA patients associated with the severity and prognosis of DKA .


  7. Concentrations of circulating T4 , T3 , TSH , and rT3 , together with body weight and diagnostic index of thyrotoxicosis were measured in 10 patients with hyperthyroidism treated with propranolol alone .


  8. In 11 cases , comparison of the results before and after treatment revealed that , with the recovery of AMI , the serum T3 and T3 / rT3 ratio resumed to increase and rT3 tended to drop .


  9. Results indicated that serum T3 and T4 levels increased and the rT3 level tended to decrease in the deficiency - heat group , and thyroid follicle epithelial cell had more significant changes as compared with that of the excess - heat group .


  10. Results : T3 , together with T4 , decreased and rT3 increased prominently in both the group with lightly lost-compensation and the group with severely lost-compensation while the changing of thyroidea function was not obvious in the group with compensation .


  11. Results : ACVD group showed low T3 complex ( low T3 and High rT3 ) and High F , but there was no significant difference in the concentraions of above hormones between the bloody group , the light - type group and the bloodless group , the heavy-type group .


  12. In this experiment , we have observed the effects of electroacupuncture on the contents of serum TSH , T4 , T3 , rT3 , cortisol and testosterone , hypothalamic and pituitary β - EP , plasma cAMP , cGMP and the ratio of cAMP / cGMP .
