pure text

美 [pjʊr tekst]英 [pjʊə(r) tekst]
  • 网络纯文本
pure textpure text
  1. The Research and Application of Pure Text Document Technique


  2. Research on technology of migrating pure text to data base


  3. However because XML is pure text file , to apply it must use other tools .


  4. However , returning a document handle instead of pure text results could have affected the results .


  5. Basically a MUD is a game that simulates life with pure text .


  6. Including temporal relation mapping , extract the pure text from XML file and the construction of feature space .


  7. Pure text won 't cut it , even on the most information-driven sites .


  8. A training sample needs to be pure text , extracted from a sample document of the category in question .


  9. Pure text navigation is much easier to maintain and loads more quickly than text-as-image navigation .


  10. SVG is a powerful , XML-based pure text graphic format , which is suitable to describe power network model .


  11. In real life , the pure text and soft music , like a cold spring can always washing blundering heart .


  12. A few examples might be pure text , HTML , DHTML , and CDF .


  13. Among all the exam ( questions ), there are not only pure text ones , but also those with traffic symbol and line map .


  14. Using pure text for information exchange is appropriate , for example , in value-pair combinations , such as a URL .


  15. XML is pure text file and sometimes it seems redundant , which makes a special focus on security and effectiveness in the process of transmission .


  16. While the descriptive translation studies breaks through the limitation of the pure text , treating translation as a kind of cultural and historical phenomenon .


  17. Thus , it 's necessary to separate non-text areas from text areas so that only pure text regions are input to OCR system .


  18. For Chinese culture comparative study , not trapped in the certain historical stage and a trend of local mire , theories and theories on pure text .


  19. The SVG images , being represented as pure text , can be compressed using some of the well-known text compression algorithms like gzip .


  20. This theory combined the excellence of current Question Answering System and is hoped to fulfill the mechanism of retrieval , understanding and reasoning based on pure text knowledge .


  21. The paper introduced some practical modes of document automation and analyzed their different characteristics , including pure text mode , AutoCAD parametric drawing mode , template mode , and so on .


  22. But in the system of net documents managements at present , the way to deal with the documents is usually the e-mail in the form of appendix or pure text file .


  23. The future might give us word processors , spreadsheet applications and databases that can read each other 's data in a pure text format , without any conversion utilities in between .


  24. The properties files are pure text files that can be opened with any text file editor , and they are in a standard format recognizable to most computer-assisted translation tools .


  25. Creation of this file is , of course , eminently automatable by any number of methods ranging from pure text manipulation to XML Document Object Model ( DOM ) manipulation .


  26. In the example below , you can see this feature in action ; you may also notice that it infers which overloads bind to the current selection rather than a pure text match .


  27. Traditional algorithms of classification and cluster aim at pure text files , but with the development of Internet , half-struct web data become the main objects of information processing , and it makes evolution to the algorithms of classification and cluster .


  28. The extreme form of unorthodox pursues the pure text and pure academic , practice and political ideology , separating from the times . It changes Marxism into a cultural phenomenon and a few intellectuals ' inner monologue .


  29. This paper based on the practice of the project , researches the means of dealing with pure text , which including the content identification and pick-up , associated modification etc , and realized the Pure Text Parser System with Visual C # .


  30. Lastly the article advanced the way to transform data from the pure text documentation to the dbf kind database and the way to build the database construction dynamic . The two methods were convenient for the user to manager the data and then archived the target of general using .
