
美 [ˈprɑsədiz]英 [ˈprɒsədiz]
  • n.韵律;韵律学;韵律结构;重音和语调模式
  • prosody的复数
  1. Disorders of affective prosodies and tones in patients with left or right side cerebral infarction


  2. A Corpus-Driven Study of the Semantic Prosodies of the Word Commit ;


  3. A Corpus-based Study of Semantic Prosodies and Bilingual Dictionaries


  4. After the observation and analysis , the features of significant collocates and semantic prosodies of these two lexical items can be summarized .


  5. Secondly , under the guidance of teachers , students acquire the knowledge of semantic prosody to use the semantic prosodies of lexical items accurately .


  6. The present study aims to explore the degree of correspondence of semantic prosodies of near synonyms in English and Chinese and their pedagogical and translational implications .


  7. Firstly , in teaching , teachers should make students aware of semantic prosody , and then give students guidance of using the way of differentiating near synonyms by observing their semantic prosodies .


  8. Then , in terms of semantic prosody , PROVIDE and SUPPLY mainly carry positive and neutral semantic prosody in both BNC and CLEC , indicating that near synonyms have different semantic prosodies .


  9. This paper examines the semantic prosodies of words found in the news reportage about Beijing Olympics 2008 one week before its opening by using a self-built news reportage corpus including both newspaper reporting and TV broadcasting news texts . The applied key method in this analysis is corpus-based .
