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  1. Thermodynamic Study of HCl in the ProH & H_2O Mixed Solvent


  2. Distribution Behaviors of Pd ( II ) in PrOH - ( NH_4 ) SO_4 Aqueous Biphasic System and Its Application in Determination of Pd ( II )


  3. The freezing groups were cryopreserved by PROH procedure slow-freezing method and DMSO + EG vitrification method . 2 .


  4. The effect of PROH procedure slow-freezing protocol on ultra microstructure of rabbit ovarian tissues was less than DMSO + EG vitrification protocol . 2 .


  5. With the OPS method , goat oocytes were vitrified with two different freezing mediaVS ⅰ( EG + DMSO ) and VS ⅱ( PROH + DMSO ) .


  6. There were good proliferative competences of the big and small OGCs cultured from the fresh and frozen partial-isolated culture groups , which suggested PROH procedure slow-freezing method can maintain the development potentiality of survival follicles . 3 .


  7. Objective To assess the different regenerative capabilities and ultrastructures of the smooth muscle cells ( SMCs ) of the cryopreserved rabbit carotids with dimethyl sulfoxide ( Me_2SO ) and 1,2-propanediol ( PROH ) .


  8. Conclusion ( 1 ) As slow frozen , lower concentration PROH ( 1.0M ) of the equilibration solution and higher concentration sucrose ( 0.2M ) of the loading solution were beneficial for increasing the survival rate of cryopreservation mouse oocytes .
