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  • 网络自然;涌现;本性;自然本性;弗西斯
  1. Experiment study the effect of penetrating injury at different regions of physis on the development of epiphyseal plate


  2. Physis of the secondary ossification center ;


  3. Physis , and ⑤ zone of provisional calcification .


  4. A fracture through an open physis , or growth plate , could result in premature partial or complete closure of the physis ;


  5. The epiphyseal cartilage enhanced most slowly , compared to physis and spongiosa ( P < 0.001 ) .


  6. Objective To evaluate the blood perfusion of epiphysis , physis , spongiosa and metaphysis in normal growth skeletons by using dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging .


  7. Objective To compare the effects of autologous fat , free physis , and physis with muscle flap acting as autografts in preventing bone bridge formation and minimizing deformity .


  8. In the classical ontology , aletheia changed into true knowledge , logos changed into contemplating " it is "( logically speaking ), and physis changed into Being .


  9. Conclusion Gd-enhanced MR imaging enables to show difference in enhancement between physis and epiphyseal cartilage , and reveal epiphyseal vascular canals . LOAD REDUCING SLOT VASCULAR CALCIFICATION Blood vessel net works


  10. In the ancient Greece , the Logos doctrine laid the foundation for the theory of meaning . Although there is a disagreement between Physis and Nomos , they are both realism .


  11. Sophists did not concern the problem of natural world but the political and human affairs , they analysed the essence of politics and justice by making a distinction between " physis " and " nomos " .


  12. It explains the new relation between On ( Being ), Physis ( Nature ) and Koinonia ( Community ) established by Christian philosophers , and new meanings assumed from different aspects ( subjectivity , historicity , relation and dynamics ) .
