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  1. It analyses the specific competition environment using the " Five-power Model " method of Poter .


  2. It also analyzes the stability of controlling circuit and gives a system frame , transporting function and Poter diagram .


  3. The article mainly analyse enterprise outside environment with POTER 5 elements model on basis of deep research of environment and enterprise , collection and study of data .


  4. This paper used the analyzing tools such as PEST & SWOT , value chain and Michael . E. Poter 's five-forces model , etc.


  5. Referenced Poter 's " diamond " model , the paper constructs the city tour competition ability model , probing into the evolution process and motive mechanism .


  6. Using SWOT theory , Poter theory and diagram theory , the article analyses the exhibition 's value chains , the status of the center and market positioning .


  7. Though some economists try to analyze the influential factors of agricultural international competitiveness under the frame of Poter 's diamond model , their researches are lack of deeply positive analysis .


  8. According to Poter ′ theory , charity activities are the best way to improve corporations ′ competitive environment , because these activities enable corporations to utilize the working achievements created by nonprofit organizations or other organizations .


  9. On the basis of analyzing the competitive superiority and challenge of Nanjing Yangtze River shipping logistics , the paper applies Michael Poter competitive superiority theory in the countermeasures research of how to breed the shipping logistics competitive superiority .


  10. In the part of value chain , having absorbed from Marx s labor value , Michael E. Poter s value chain and some applied cases , it discourses upon extended value chain , management of value chain , partnership and added value .


  11. Thus , neither the value chain based on manufactures founded by Poter , nor the service-profit chain built by Heskett and others , fit for retail management , but the synthetic value chain which is introduced in detail in this paper .


  12. Through the investigation on the marker actuality and macroscopical environment of the whole real estate in MeiShan and the integrated analysis , including PECT , POTER and SWOT of the item , we have found out the original layout has serious misplay .
