
  • n.波珀尔
  1. The poper presented Four Rivers Project in detail .


  2. This poper introduced the history of the intelligent gateway control system and the constitution and function .


  3. The better the site conditions is , the more excellent the wood poper property is .


  4. This poper explores how to carry out the heating value metering for natural gas .


  5. The influence of drying methods and temperature on curdlan product quality was investigated in this poper .


  6. This poper presents a general method of accurately calculating the inductance parameters of asychronous motors .


  7. In this poper , an experimental method which can be used to quantitatively test the Angular Momentum Conservation Law is presented .


  8. This poper reports the effect of wheat kernel smudge on the growth of wheat seedling by water cultivation .


  9. Objective Give a poper evaluation about the maxillary growth after lip repair with Tennison Triangular .


  10. The effect of spatial filter for Moire fringes on opto-electronic signal is analyzed in this poper .


  11. A new zero optical path difference ( OPD ) point positioning technique using diode lasers is proposed in this poper .


  12. The poper has introduced the developing history and present status of P / M industry and science study in Sichuan province during recent 40 years since 1955 .


  13. This poper discusses the relationship between quality education and CAI , and studies the aims , requirements and techniques of developing CAI softwares for quality education .


  14. Authors believed that using poper venography was of the significance in the diagnosis of the lower limb vein disease and selecting surgical procedure .


  15. This poper discusses the stability of rotor-sliding bearing systems for the first time by the decomposition-aggregation method of the stability theory of large-scale dynamic system .


  16. A novel approach to modeling quasi-resonant and PWM converters , switching waveforms averaging approach , is put forward in this poper .


  17. In this short poper , the regularizability of descriptor decentralized systems is studied and a necessary and sufficient condition is given .


  18. This poper expounds the excitation control principle and the constitution of automatic excitation control system of asynchronized turbogenerators ( ASTG ) .


  19. This poper describes the possibility for spinning flame retardant PET fiber by means of PET Chip blended direCtly with the flame retardants .


  20. This poper provides some reference data for the study of shape and function of cells in hypophysis pars distalis of castrated yak .


  21. This poper reviews power device models , and shows how to construct any new power semiconductor model , with the general circuit simulator PSpice , by a composite model principle .


  22. In the poper , a method was introduced which the temperature program control systems was composed by the connection of a single board computer and DWT-702 fine temperature control instrument .


  23. Gillies conducts discussions on these problems and holds that the use of objective probability accord with Poper statistical testing method while subject probability accords with Bayesian formal method .


  24. Band on the theory of Aki 's coda , the local earthquake was simulated by ultrasonic test and the coda wave phase was diSCussed in this poper .


  25. This poper evaluated the reproducibility and validity of a food frequency questionnaire ( FFQ ) used in a prospective study among Yunnan Tin Corporation ( YTC ) miners .


  26. In this poper , the development of our country SBR in 21st century is introduced and the market situation of SBR is analyzed in more details . Finally some suggestion is introduced on SBR developing .


  27. The poper explains the necessity on constrction optimization of enterprise through the developing process of iron and steel industry in the world , present equipment condition and technical economic indexes of iron and steel industry at home .


  28. Considering the engineering application and the control mechanism of the flow patterns , the poper divides the flow patterns of the horizontal in-tube condensing for the two dimensional internal micro fin tubes into three type .


  29. A power consumption model of the heating device for the bottle blowing machine is established on the base of the principles of natural convection and a scheme that can cut down power consumption is proposed in this poper .


  30. The characteristic of piping system at the outlet side of centrifugal pump is analyzed comprehensively in this poper , an effective calculating method on the control valve pressure drop is obtained and an example of its application is given .
