N-COUNT 富豪;财阀
If you describe someone as a plutocrat, you disapprove of them because you believe they are powerful only because they are rich.He proclaimed his fellow-feeling with workers, and denounced plutocrats and the idle rich in terms which caused them alarm.
Do you wish to turn me into a plutocrat ?
For the discerning global plutocrat , a lavish London pied - à - terre has long been a necessity .
He half-listens to the complaints of his decrepit fellow plutocrat , who poor fellow ! is too rich to benefit from George bush 's tax cuts .
Mr Cain 's charm and intelligence had by the start of this week propelled the self-made pizza plutocrat to the front of the pack in the race for the Republican nomination .
Generally scholars who served for warlord and plutocrat said there was no labor problem in China . The truth is that labor problem did exist and was very serious . What worrying much is that labors ' rights and profits were treaded arbitrarily .
When the " House of Cards " plot turns to China , the themes are contemporary and plausible : cyber espionage , rare earths , territorial disputes , and a cunning , meditative , libertine plutocrat who plays on his connections at the highest ranks in Beijing .